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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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New Zealand not considering joining First Pillar of AUKUS

AUKUS news
A Rendering of SSN-AUKUS (BAE Systems).

New Zealand is not considering joining the first pillar of the AUKUS security alliance, which involves the supply of nuclear-powered submarines to Australia, New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said.

Mahuta and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a joint press conference in Wellington on Thursday, during which he said that “the door is very much open for New Zealand and other partners to engage [in the AUKUS], as they see appropriate.”

“And I’ve been quite clear in terms of New Zealand’s position on the AUKUS arrangements right from the beginning is that New Zealand is not prepared to compromise or change our nuclear framework position,” Mahuta was quoted as saying by the US Department of State.

Wellington remains committed to a nuclear-free Pacific, she added.

New Zealand Defense Minister Andrew Little echoed the same sentiment in June, saying that Wellington’s position on nuclear weapons was very firm and unlikely to change.

In September 2021, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced the new trilateral AUKUS partnership. Australia announced its withdrawal from a $66 billion contract with France for 12 state-of-the-art conventionally powered attack submarines. The United States has vowed to bolster Australia’s military capabilities with nuclear-powered submarines.

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  1. New Zealand needs to go further and declare itself as a Nation of Armed Neutrality, and then re-structure the NZDF into an island nation version of what Switzerland currently is.
    The minor Political Parties need to understand this, and NZ First, the New Conservatives, the Outdoors & Freedom Party and FreeNZ all have that information, but nothing can be achieved unless they form-up a third / minor political party coalition.
    Noteworthy is when the last time such an event took place, it was with Billy TK and Jamie Lee-Ross.
    Jamie seems to have disappeared, and Billy TK is due for sentencing along with journalist and media personality Vinny Eastwood this coming Monday for protesting the lack of coverage at TVNZ re; the dangers of the Covid Plandemic and the media lying about the Covid ‘mandates’.
    The global-wide Deep State Zionist tactic is to thwart election results, and then bring about false charges against political and media personalities for exposing the Deep State antics and plans!
    Jack Smith, a U.S. District Attorney, is weaponsing the U.S. DOJ against duly-elected President Donald Trump as reported by Hal Turner this morning.
    New Zealand has no business to once again getting involved in another globalist / Zionist / Deep State war of attrition that threatens lives, trade, and the risk of nuclear contamination on both main islands.

  2. What was NOT covered was Chippie’s photo and conversations with Klaus Schwab in the MSM during his ‘China Trade Visit’, and his minimally-reported happen-stance meeting with Zelensky.
    National and Luxom will make NO difference- both mainstream parties are bowing down to the Globalist Agendas.

  3. Kudos to Nanaia Mahuta for respecting David Lange’s legacy. when he said, “I can smell the uranium on your breath, Sir!” She is copping media flack for wearing sneakers or something, but notabile bene… the lady is not for turning…let us not forget the original shock of the Rainbow Warrior bombing and the photographer who died onboard.


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