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Friday, October 18, 2024

Popular Now

Guardian poll: Labour ‘languishing’, NZ First back in parliament

The poll conducted by Esstential for UK legacy media outlet The Guardian shows cost of living concerns could dominate this year’s election.

Undecided voters came in at 6.1% and were included in the poll.

According to The Guardian:

‘The result would give 46 seats in parliament to National – which currently only has 33 – and 15 to the libertarian party ACT, up from 10 now. Together, the two groups would hold 61 seats – a one-seat majority.

‘On the left, Labour (38 seats), the Greens (11) and Te Pāti Māori (3) would hold a combined 52 places, well short of the 60 seats needed to form a government. Labour currently has 62 lawmakers in parliament after an almost unprecedented victory in 2020, at the height of former prime minister Jacinda Ardern’s popularity.’

Top concerns for voters this election were the cost of living crisis, health, and crime.

Hipkins’ overall favourability rating was ahead of Luxon’s, at 43% to 32% respectively.

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  1. I’m not surprised to see NZF back in office. One of the few parties that tapped into the discontent people felt over the CONVID tyranny from Liebour. What does dishearten is the number of clowns still voting for Liebour and the nasty Nats….they seem to love globalists here in NZ…..

  2. I’m voting for the New Conservatives, as they are planning to enshrine our Civil Rights as law, and not some form of ‘privilege extended by the government, and will repeal the pre-genocide aspects of the Gun Control via Firearms Legislation, registration, and the outlawing of MSSA’s.
    They’ll also put a stop to all of this ‘woke’ crap ASAP, and keep the likes of the Zionist Influences out of New Zealand!!

  3. I am inclined to think the polls are fake. I speak to a LOT of random strangers from all walks of life as a result of my daily interactions and politics often comes up. I still haven’t met one person who likes what this government is doing. I think this will be a landslide loss for them under 20% support.

    I don’t think National are the answer, just self centred globalists really and Labour has set the scene for National to impinge on our rights further by allowing crime ti spiral – it’s all part of the world plan. The whole lot of them know how to fix the problem. They are disgusting traitors.


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