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Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Mitchell lays out his expectations for Police Commissioner

Mark Mitchell news
Mark Mitchell (L), Andrew Coster (R).

Full text of Police Minister Mark Mitchell’s statement.

Today I met with Police Commissioner Andrew Coster to set out my expectations, which he has agreed to, says Police Minister Mark Mitchell.

Under section 16(1) of the Policing Act 2008, the Minister can expect the Police Commissioner to deliver on the Government’s direction and priorities, as now outlined in the expectation document.

The Public Service Commissioner, who provided support with the drafting of a letter of expectation, has released the letter, with the agreement of the Minister and Police Commissioner, on its website.

“I have been open about the fact I do not agree with the direction policing has taken under the previous Government and I expect the Police Commissioner to focus on core policing with a back-to-basics approach. I want people to feel safe on their streets, in their homes, and in their workplaces.

“Gangs have become more violent and more present in our communities, intimidating the public and taking over public roads and spaces. This needs to stop.

“I expect Police will use the powers provided to them in legislation to ensure gangs will not take over towns, public roads, or spaces. Law abiding members of the public are entitled to have their rights to safety and freedoms protected.

“We will support Police through new legislation to disrupt and stop this harmful gang activity.

“Our New Zealand Police organisation and frontline staff are working in a far more complex, demanding and dangerous environment that requires focused, strong and supportive leadership. My expectation is for that leadership to be evident.”

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  1. Which Masonic Lodge is the ‘new’ (old) Police Minister and the Police Commissioner members of?
    Let me guess…the same Lodge as former Police Commisar Ardern is? Or…some of the ‘new’ government members???
    Well…I’ll be ‘Tubal-Caned…!!!
    So Mote It Be…!

  2. What’s the new minister’s policy on officers storming hospital rooms and tearing sleeping infants from their mothers’ bosom for the heinous crime of requesting unvaccinated blood?

    Just curious.

    • Good point, in addition to wretching Liz Gunn’s arm at the Auckland Airport, or breaking O&FP’s Alan’s hip at the Parliament Protest regarding Covid & the lock-downs…both victims who now suffer permanent injury and pain at the hands of the NZG (New Zealand Gestapo).

  3. The peaceful protest held in the Parliament grounds, that was acknowledged by all attendees as an amazing positive experience, truly exposed the horrendous finally the law went to in order to cover up a demonic scam led by the government of the day. I wonder why certain culprits are to this day still free to get on with their lives without charge while others have paid for this crime with their lives?
    Poverty Bay


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