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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Fauci adviser implicated in potential FOIA violations and destruction of Federal records

David Morens news

Dr. David Morens, a senior adviser at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has come under scrutiny following the release of emails where he claimed to have learned how to make emails “disappear” after receiving Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

The emails, disclosed by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, reveal Morens discussing methods to ‘manage’ his governmental communications to evade FOIA scrutiny, according to a report in the Epoch Times. He advised colleagues to use his private Gmail for sensitive communications and claimed to have insider knowledge on circumventing FOIA from Marg Moore, who leads NIAID’s FOIA office.

Further complications arose from Morens’ interactions with Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance has been linked to funding research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the proximity of which to the initial COVID-19 outbreak has drawn suspicion the outfit was heavily involved in the creation of a COVID ‘scamdemic’.

In his communications Morens suggested using ‘non-official’ channels for sensitive information, including a “secret back channel” to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the then-director of NIAID. These methods purportedly protected communications from FOIA requests and potentially obscured the official records.

The exposure of these practices has led to calls for stringent accountability from members of Congress, including Sen. Rand Paul, who requested an investigation into Morens’ actions by the Department of Justice.

The allegations against Dr. Morens, if proven, suggest a serious breach of federal law, which mandates the preservation of federal records and imposes penalties for their willful destruction.

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  1. Just instruct Google and all other Email providers to crawl their data base for the emails and hand them over, while they are at it crawl their data bases for all Emails to and from politicians and public officials worldwide and make them public. They all do it and Big Tech is implicated.

  2. Same thing Hillary did with the private server.
    Documents can’t be deleted from government systems, so they use non-government (private email).


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