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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Horowhenua mayor demands greater police powers in the wake of violent mob incident

Levin crime news

A large gathering of over 200 cars in Levin over the weekend escalated into violence, prompting the Horowhenua mayor to call for increased police powers to manage such events.

Police officers faced aggressive behaviour, with rocks and bottles thrown at them as they attempted to disperse a crowd, resulting in injuries and damaged patrol vehicles. Despite pre-emptive deployment of around 30 police officers, the situation spiraled out of control, leading to the arrest of two individuals and the impoundment of six cars.

Mayor Bernie Wanden expressed frustration on state media’s Morning Report, acknowledging the difficulty in preventing such gatherings, especially when some attendees appear intent on inciting violence.

While specific details of the measures were not outlined, the mayor’s call for greater police powers suggests a need for more robust enforcement capabilities. This could include increased manpower, enhanced surveillance, and potentially new legal frameworks to quickly disperse and manage large groups engaging in anti-social behaviour.

The chaotic event, which saw the convoy moving between multiple locations to perform burnouts, highlights the challenges police faced on the night in handling anti-social road user activity. Community leaders in the region are demanding stronger measures to prevent a repeat of the incident, emphasising the need for ‘enhanced police authority’ to ensure public safety.

As previously reported, the evening’s chaos began around 8pm in a Bath Street carpark, where over 200 cars gathered. The convoy then moved to the intersection of Queen Street and State Highway 57 for burnouts, but police intervened, facing aggression from bystanders who kicked patrol cars and threw bottles.

The group relocated to Miro Street in Otaki for more burnouts, avoiding direct police engagement due to the area’s risks. They returned to Levin, causing further disruptions and violence at State Highway 57 and Tavistock Road, where a patrol car was attacked and its window smashed. Despite police efforts to disperse the crowd, the situation grew more volatile as the group headed to Queen Street and State Highway 1.

Officers armed with protective shields were pelted with bottles, rocks, and bricks hurled at them, resulting in minor injuries to two officers.

Arrests included individuals carrying knives and wearing stab-proof vests, indicating a deliberate intent to provoke and endanger, according to Inspector Ross Grantham.

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  1. Just a reflection of how screwed this country has become under Labour and National, both. hell bent on turning us into the USA, well here you go…happy now?

  2. They should send that #&(% Erich Postlewaight down there.
    He is really good smacking down unarmed peaceful citizens like a 63 year old lady.
    And corrupt ‘judge’ Janey Forrest could do the bail hearings.

  3. ‘Police need more powers’ ? LMFAO what about the laws they have already ‘unlawful assemble’ and ‘rioting’ ? The NZ Police is still being run by Jacinderites and if they ever got more powers they would not use them on the gangs, they would use them to beat down on the enemies of their ‘ideology’.
    We have come to the point in time when the heads of all government departments employment contrast should come up for review on a 3 year cycle just after the general and local elections and get these activist autocrats from the halls of power.


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