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Friday, June 28, 2024

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‘Do not trust them’: Snowden warns against OpenAI after NSA Chief joins board

OpenAI news

Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden warned on Friday never to trust tech company OpenAI, after it appointed former NSA chief Paul Nakasone to its board of directors.

“They’ve gone full mask-off: do not ever trust OpenAI or its products (ChatGPT etc). There is only one reason for appointing an NSA Director to your board. This is a willful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on Earth. You have been warned,” Snowden said in a statement via social media platform X.

Earlier this month, Snowden said that governments and corporations are trying to gain control over artificial intelligence (AI) technology in order to use it to promote their agenda.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who served on OpenAI’s initial board of directors, also criticized the move.

“Can’t wait for OpenAI to have access to my phone,” Musk said in response to reports on Nakasone’s involvement with the company.

Musk said earlier this month that he would ban Apple devices at his companies if they integrate OpenAI at the operating system level.

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  1. Maybe the Anonymous Hackers will attack OpenAI and f@#k it up so badly that even the NSA / NRO / DEW-weapon Platforms and associated global spy agencies will destroy themselves…!
    Kinda like the early Star Trek TOS when ‘Nomad’ (you remember the floating robot ‘Nomad’ from 1967; “I am Nomad…I am Perfect” …which it wasn’t..!) took over the Enterprise until Kirk asked Nomad a question regarding machinated murder that mind-f@#ked the device into a self-destruct sequence, whereupon Spock clamped it and beamed it into empty space where it…exploded…!).
    Remember- Gene Roddenberry was privileged to have the info on what the next 50-75 years were going to be like for the world, and his writing and production of Star Trek and it’s follow-on spin-offs is nothing less than ‘Predictive Programming’. See the expose’ ‘How Trekkies Changed the World’ hosted by William Shatner.
    & Scotty can’t beam you up …he’s dead from his 99th Covid Booster, as are most of the Enterprise crew..!

  2. It is clear to me since Steve Jobs left us too soon and Bill Gates up to his neck in the blood. Open source operating systems and VPN seems to be the way forward. Try downloading Session on your phone for communication. It is a little harder to set up. It is an end to end encrypted call, text, photo, video. It does not use your phone number. There is no footprint, open source, no data breaches and censorship resistant. It takes time to connect. It uses the Tor network.



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