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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Popular Now

Big pharma payments to Aussie COVID expert exposed as popular TV show probes the dangers of the mRNA jab

Channel 7 Spotlight news
Professor Robert Booy (Inset).

For the first time Australia’s top-rated mainstream media outlet 7News aired a segment titled “After COVID,” addressing the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines—a topic previously heavily censored.

The programme revealed the severe health complications experienced by some vaccine recipients, including prominent individuals. Professor Kerryn Phelps, a renowned medical practitioner, highlighted that over 140,000 people reported adverse effects to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), with 22,000 classified as serious. Phelps told viewers these figures likely underrepresent the true number of adverse reactions, as many were not reported or recognised early on.

Phelps and her wife Jackie shared their personal experiences of debilitating side effects from the Pfizer vaccine. Phelps described severe cardiovascular and neurological issues, while Jackie recounted immediate and ongoing neurological problems that drastically impacted her quality of life.

Also featured was the tragic case of 34-year-old Katie Lees who died within days after receiving the AstraZeneca shot.

The testimonies of victims and their families raised questions about the prevalence and reporting of vaccine side effects, challenging the notion that such occurrences are rare. The discussion also touched on the lack of comparative research on vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals’ immune systems, with some audience members expressing frustration over what some consider to be deliberate gaps in official narratives.

The programme also highlighted the growing issue of the conflicts of interest held by the so-called COVID ‘experts’, who received large amounts of funding or payoffs from pharmaceutical companies without disclosing this fact to the viewers at home.

Following the broadcast attention focused on payments received by mainstream expert Professor Robert Booy, a panelist defending the vaccines. Researcher and former Big Pharma exec Aussie17 shared the results of a search on Disclosure Australia, which revealed Booy had received thousands of dollars in payments from multiple pharmaceutical companies in the years 2021 to 2023. A similar controversy erupted in the UK recently when it was revealed four high profile TV doctors who pushed the jab also received payments from Big Pharma, which were never disclosed to audiences by legacy media outlets during the ‘pandemic’. The revelations underscored the importance of transparency in public health discussions and cast doubt on the impartiality of the mainstream expert opinions presented.

Channel 7 Spotlight news
Image – @_aussie17, X.

Adding to the controversy uncut audio from the programme was released and shared widely online, capturing the audience’s angry reactions to Professor Booy’s claims that mRNA vaccines were safe and that unvaccinated individuals were more likely to suffer severe disease and long COVID.

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  1. Various Sections of the NZ Crimes Act 1961

    Murder defined
    Culpable homicide is murder in each of the following cases:
    (a) if the offender means to cause the death of the person killed:
    (b) if the offender means to cause to the person killed any bodily injury that is known to the offender to be likely to cause death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not:
    (c) if the offender means to cause death, or, being so reckless as aforesaid, means to cause such bodily injury as aforesaid to one person, and by accident or mistake kills another person, though he or she does not mean to hurt the person killed:
    (d) if the offender for any unlawful object does an act that he or she knows to be likely to cause death, and thereby kills any person, though he or she may have desired that his or her object should be effected without hurting anyone.

    175 Conspiracy to murder
    (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who conspires or agrees with any person to murder any other person, whether the murder is to take place in New Zealand or elsewhere.
    (2) For the purposes of this section, the expression to murder includes to cause the death of another person out of New Zealand in circumstances that would amount to murder if the act were committed in New Zealand.

  2. They can shut us all up by releasing the data comparing the jabbed and unjabbed if the jab is so good.
    Lets see the all cause mortality comparisons, myo and pericarditis comparisons and the long covid comparisons.

    Talk is cheap(for big pharma). The truth may not be

  3. Time for this to be classified as a crime and investigated accordingly. Of course, we have a cowardly justice/police service who are utterly subservient to the political and bureaucratic class, who wont do the decent thing and get an investigation under way. The fact is, until they do, their credibility with people like myself is ZERO and their only power, is one of coercion. Not a great place to be as people wont support you or willingly help you.

    Australia is no different, in fact I’d argue its worse there as their police are even more brutal and vicious.

  4. Rishi Sunak is the smart one. He has a mansion in Santa Monica, commiefornia. Getting out of the UK as soon as possible!

  5. I can feel for Dr. Phelps and her wife and their adverse reactions to the jab. But it is a failure of their own making. It is a Doctors job to investigate that those jabs and any ‘vaccine’ for that matter are safe to use and that they do not harm anybody. The TGA needs to be keel hauled. Do no harm includes yourself. Just going along with the status quo and believing in your own BS as the whole Medical fraternity did has consequences.

  6. Jab no 1= cull the herd. Jab no 2= convert remainder to mute Neanderthal stock for mining remainder of planet.
    Starring Charlton Heston.


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