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Top 10 most embarrassing moments from the Democratic National Convention, Day 3

The third day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) was supposed to be a star-studded affair, bringing in celebrities and high-profile politicians to inject some life into the event.

However, what transpired was a series of cringe-worthy moments that left viewers questioning whether they were watching a political convention or a poorly executed comedy sketch.

Here are the top 10 most embarrassing moments from Day 3 of the DNC, as compiled by The Vigilant Fox:

  • #10 – Oprah Winfrey’s “Cat Lady” Bombshell: The night kicked off with Oprah Winfrey trying to add some gravitas to the proceedings. Instead, she dropped a bomb by referring to someone as a “childless cat lady.” In what can only be described as savage editing, CNN immediately cut to a random woman in the crowd who looked like she just realised she was the unwitting subject of Oprah’s comment. The woman’s bewildered expression was priceless. Who knew CNN had such a sharp sense of humor?
  • #9 – Tim Walz’s Irony-Free Insult: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz delivered a line with the kind of earnestness that only a politician could muster: “Leaders don’t spend all day insulting people and blaming others. Leaders do the work.” The irony was apparently lost on him, as just moments later, the convention speakers began their daily ritual of blaming Donald Trump for everything under the sun—even though he hasn’t been in office for over three years. Talk about a self-own.
  • #8 – Mike Lindell’s Disguised Troll: In a bizarre twist, Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, allegedly sneaked into the convention in disguise—sans mustache—to troll Democratic influencer Harry Sisson. Lindell reportedly shouted, “Have you gotten your vasectomy yet?!” leaving Sisson and the audience in stunned silence. It’s not clear whether this was meant as a joke or a bizarre public service announcement, but it certainly made for one of the night’s more surreal moments.
  • #7 – Bill Clinton’s Age Gaffe: Bill Clinton tried to energise the crowd by bragging about being younger than Donald Trump. The DNC faithful erupted in cheers, seemingly forgetting that their current standard-bearer, Joe Biden, is a spry 81 years old. Perhaps Clinton was trying to remind everyone of his glory days—or maybe he just forgot who’s on the ticket.
  • #6 – CNN Questions Clinton’s Relevance: In a rare moment of candor, a CNN panelist openly questioned why Bill Clinton was on stage at all, given the American people’s “knowledge of other things” about him. The awkward silence that followed was palpable. It’s not every day you see a network throw shade at one of the DNC’s own.
  • #5 – “On the Menu” Wokester Flub: The DNC attempted to deliver a powerful line: “If you’re not at the table, then you’re on the menu.” Unfortunately, they chose the wrong spokesperson for the job—a morbidly obese wokester who seemed more at home on a cooking show than at a political convention. The metaphor landed with a thud, leaving viewers cringing at the unfortunate optics.
  • #4 – Chris Cuomo’s Hypocrisy Call-Out: Chris Cuomo, of all people, decided to take a stand against hypocrisy. He pointed out that the luxury suites at the convention, which start at a cool $500k, were filled with the very elites the Democrats claim they’re going to regulate. It was a rare moment of self-awareness for the network and a stark reminder that money talks—even at the DNC.
  • #3 – Commerce Secretary in Denial: When confronted with data suggesting that nearly a million of the jobs the Biden administration “created” don’t actually exist, the Commerce Secretary went into full denial mode. “I’m not familiar with that,” she insisted, as if saying it enough times would make the problem disappear. Spoiler: It didn’t.
  • #2 – Low-T Soy Boy Admission: In a truly bizarre segment, CNN’s Dana Bash suggested that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff could speak to men who “might not be the testosterone-laden gun-toting guy.” Translation: Democrat men are apparently a bunch of low-T soy boys. This revelation, whether intentional or not, set off a wave of memes that will likely haunt the party for months.
  • #1 – Kamala’s Endorser’s Border Flip-Flop: And finally, the pièce de résistance: A resurfaced video revealed that the Texas Sheriff who just endorsed Kamala Harris at the DNC was, in 2022, urging her and Biden to fix the border crisis. The irony was thicker than the Texas heat, leaving many to wonder if anyone at the DNC bothered to vet their speakers. You truly can’t make this stuff up.

As Day 3 of the DNC wrapped up, one thing was clear: The Democrats might want to rethink their strategy. What was meant to be a showcase of unity and star power turned into a comedy of errors – and there’s still one more day to go.

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  1. Listening to Newstalk this morning, my mild irritation at the professional talking idiots, trying their hardest to hammer home how amazing the DNC has been to watch and how “it would be better for New Zealand if Kamala won”, turned to hilarity as the vast majority of callers and texters weren’t having it.

    “Trump 2024 forever baby”

    “You people are brain dead”

    “No way Trump loses unless they cheat again…”

    Just a few I remember off the top of my head. Francesca’s annoyance was palpable. Good job guys, keep it right up 😆👍


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