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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Court of Appeal approves massive class action against ANZ and ASB

ASB and ANZ class action news

The Court of Appeal has ruled that up to 100,000 customers of ANZ and ASB Banks can participate in one of the largest class action lawsuits in New Zealand’s history.

The lawsuit was filed in 2021 and accuses the banks of failing to refund interest and fees to approximately 150,000 customers, potentially amounting to millions of dollars in excess charges.

The Court of Appeal’s decision to make the class action opt-out rather than opt-in removes a major hurdle for affected customers, ensuring that all eligible customers will be included in the action unless they specifically choose to opt out.

Scott Russell, the lawyer leading the class action, hailed the ruling as a major victory for consumers, telling state media that it holds ANZ and ASB accountable to every impacted customer.

Russell criticised the banks for not informing customers about the breach of consumer protection laws, instead quietly settling with the Commerce Commission.

While ASB declined to comment on the ruling, ANZ stated that it had already taken steps to rectify the issue and is defending the case. The outcome of the lawsuit could potentially see thousands of homeowners compensated for the alleged overcharges dating back several years.

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  1. ASB…remember the ad for ASB from a few years ago with ‘Goldstein’ and his bagel advertisement?
    And we all know that ANZ is run by Zionist Bankster and former PM John Key (The Smiling Assassin).
    A man I know used to bank with ANZ, until his EFTPOS and credit card were cut-off during Easter a few years back, and he wasn’t able to access food, petrol, etc. At the time he had 2 twin daughters who needed formula and he couldn’t do anything due to some smart-ass condenscending 20-something year-old bitch suspended his accounts, despite having thousands of dollars in those accounts!
    Watch for this to happen globally under the WEF and NWO when the economies of the world collapse and they then convert over to CBDC’s with Social Credit, available to only those who are politically-correct and fully-vaccinated living in :15 Minute Cities.
    When the ANZ Bank re-opened post-holiday, he went and closed the ANZ accounts and opened new ones at another bank.
    I then did the same…avoiding ASB, BNZ, ANZ and also the bank that caters exclusively to ‘Private Masonic Banking’.


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