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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Biden breaks promise to Congress – WSJ

Joe Biden news

US President Joe Biden has not been transparent with the American people or Congress about his administration’s strategy for Ukraine, according to an editorial published by the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

Despite presenting himself as a “defender of Ukrainian freedom” in his speech to the UN General Assembly, Biden has failed to deliver a clear plan to lawmakers on how his administration intends to achieve victory in the conflict, the editorial board claimed.

Earlier this year, Congress approved a $61 billion supplemental budget for Ukraine, which included a condition that the Biden administration provide a strategic outline for US support within 45 days and follow up with quarterly updates. According to the WSJ, Biden acknowledged this requirement to secure Congressional approval and signed the bill. However, the editorial points out that the plan was submitted months late and remains classified.

“This is typical of the Biden stonewall,” the WSJ wrote, noting that GOP lawmakers have demanded the strategy be made public. The editorial also suggested that the administration is unlikely to release the document before the 2024 elections, claiming it could force Vice President Kamala Harris to clarify her stance on the conflict.

On Thursday, the Biden administration announced an additional $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine, as Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky visited the US to push his “victory plan.” However, tensions are rising between Kiev and its Western backers, who have so far denied requests to use Western-supplied weapons for strikes deep into Russian territory.

Meanwhile, Zelensky continues to reject negotiations with Russia, aiming to force Moscow into a settlement on Ukraine’s terms by escalating the conflict. Moscow, in turn, has warned that allowing Ukraine to use Western long-range weapons would be seen as an act of war.

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  1. Lol, after almost 3 years of BOTH sides of the US congress openly laundering money to themselves through this war, they’re all going to turn around and try to throw grandpa under the bus on his way out. It’s apparently all a big blunder because Biden isn’t providing strategy details, and totally NOT because they’ve deliberately dragged the war out because they all profit from it 😉

    Nah, Biden was a secret criminal genius mastermind all along, I’m sure 😆👍

    This is the most shamelessly corrupt government in recorded human history.

      • You need to get rhe timeline and occurances in order: Yes, they were laundering money through Ukrine before the war, but the war REALLY open the floodgates for black money (check out the B-illions of $$$ that the Pentagon and DOS can not account for).
        Then look at the billions of war support SINCE the war broke out.
        And then ask yourself in what grave danger these corrupt creatures would find themselves in after a lost war and an occupation by Russia.
        And Trump is likewise a grave danger to the American Deep State.
        Being president of the USA is statistically the most dangerous letal job on the planet.

  2. I find it strange that the GOP is demanding that a strategy is made public to support Ukraine. I think a REASON should be made public to the US population.

    You’ve got people in the US eating out of bins, rolling in their own piss and sh1t, taking heroin and fentanyl, lots of illegals in an “invasion” including rapists, murderers, child molesters and terrorists, political prisoners including the J6, lawfare against a good man (President Trump) and the US federal government wants to support a Ukraine that has a Nazi battalion (Azof) that has been murdering Russian speaking people for at least a decade. Not to mention the child trafficking and adrenochrome production and all the suffering that entails, and the biolabs and God-knows what they are making. The US federal government should concentrate upon reducing the suffering of the US population. After all, they are the US federal government, NOT the Ukraine government.

    Ukraine is a geopolitical mess, and I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people who are caught in the middle of this.

    The US State department and Victoria Newland should have stayed out of this. It is not of their business and never was their business.

  3. What is so obvious is both the president and the vice president have an extremely low IQ. Biden is not engaged in the war, he is merely a signatory for the owners of the world.

    As in World War II, elections around the world will be postponed.

  4. Biden is not running the govt
    But is being run by a shadow government headed by Anthony Blinken
    ‘A Clinton era campaign hack’
    Biden is not there most of the time in more ways than one
    Martin Armstrong does some good analysis of what is really going on in what was once the USA
    Which has been desecrated defiled and bankrupted by the Jewish Babylonian banking cabal Mafia which funds the military industrial complex of American imperialism adventurism and conquest
    To whom Trump pays homage and is controlled like all other US Presidents
    Starting in 1914 with the creation of the privately owned and controlled Jewish Central Bank the Federal Reserve
    Headed by marrano Jew Woodrow Wilson
    After a third attempt when Jefferson Davis refused to renew the charter on the First National Bank of America leading to the war of 1812
    And again under Andrew Jackson in1832 when he vetoed a bill by Congress to reauthorize the Second Bank of the United States, arguing that it was a corrupt institution
    Old hickory – “A nest of vipers and I will rout You out”
    A clear reference to Matthew 23:33 “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
    A generation not of ancestry descent

    • There is not now and never has been anything to explain, as we were all fed a myraid of lies.
      That is why I renounced U.S. Citizenship, escaping the grasp of such an evil government and it’s Alphabet Agencies.
      Also got tired of being double-taxed on what little I earned and have!!!!!
      As a former American and a Jew, if I wanted to live in Israel, (a very racist country) I would have moved there, but Israel came to the U.S. in 1913.
      Jews in the U.S. are just as oppressed in the U.S. as anyone else, and the non-Zionist Jews are harassed on a regular basis both in the U.S. and Israel. We were being used as a vice for AIPAC to make vast amounts of $$$!

  5. You know, with all of the politicians ‘cutting costs’ and ‘being unable to afford’ former agreed-to government contracts (for new ferries) and upgrades (KiwiRail, roads, etc.) that have now been broken, how much of that money has been funneled into the politicians personal ‘vested interest’ which in turn ends-up in their personal and overseas bank accounts???
    The Governor-General and the Ombudsman’s Office need to do an audit on every single NZ ‘Politician’…
    After all, Jabby was making NZ$468K on her PM salary, but is now worth NZ$41 million post-Covid and going to and fro doing the bidding of the Satanic Talmudic Noahide Law-based Communist Global Governments.


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