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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Christchurch man convicted of 17 rape and sexual assault charges

christchurch man convicted of
John Hope Muchirahondo news

John Hope Muchirahondo, a 38-year-old man from Christchurch, has been found guilty of 17 counts of rape and sexual assault against eight women, spanning over a decade from 2011 to 2021.

The jury also convicted him on one count of obstructing access to a cell phone. The case involved a series of predatory assaults in Christchurch and Auckland, where Muchirahondo took advantage of vulnerable women, many of whom were intoxicated or unconscious at the time of the assaults.

Throughout the two-month trial, 15 women testified against the Zimbabwe-born Muchirahondo, describing a pattern of manipulative behaviour, where he allegedly exploited their drunkenness to initiate non-consensual sexual encounters.

While Muchirahondo admitted to having sexual relations with many of the women, his defense argued that he believed he had consent, or in some cases, denied having any sexual interaction at all. The jury deliberated for 10 days, ultimately convicting Muchirahondo on 17 charges, while acquitting him on eight and being unable to reach a verdict on five others.

Detective Inspector Nicola Reeves acknowledged the courage of the women who testified.

Muchirahondo will remain in custody until his sentencing in December.

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  1. Anyone with a penis is deep sh$t excuse the pun.
    Funny though that a penis can get you a gold medal if your a woman who happens to have one.

  2. Not acceptable for an immigrant sorry.
    We must accept the vulnerable but also throw out the rubbish.
    Look at Australia. They send NZers back.
    No doubt the wrought system is merely set on disruption.
    To obliterate our nation’s resolve and culture by diluting and planned erasure using weaponised immigration.
    Been down queen st lately?
    Are we in China now?
    I love our nation as a melting pot but steering our culture by manipulating the balance of immigration is both criminal and terrorist.
    We know christianity is under attack. Why do we import non christian souls, many of whom believe we should die as their religion says.
    Others like the talmudic cult are openly antichrist.
    Also the globalist agenda for world control which the nzgovtcorp are attempting to foister onto us has a proven track record of illegal immigration causing unfathomable social harm.
    Ireland. Groomerica, Scotland, Wales, Uk. Forced refugees created by banking wars.
    Utter fraud.
    We have refugees because of the stakeholders profit models.
    Protecting their investment with historic fraud, blackmail, assassination, regime change.
    There is the issue.


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