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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Ghahraman appeals shoplifting conviction

Golriz Ghahraman shoplifting news

Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman, convicted in June for shoplifting nearly $9000 worth of high-end retail items, has filed an appeal seeking a discharge without conviction.

During her sentencing at the Auckland District Court, Judge June Jelas denied the discharge, imposing fines and court costs.

The appeal hearing is before Justice Geoffrey Venning.

Ghahraman’s defense hinges on a diagnosis of complex PTSD, attributed to her war-torn upbringing in Iran and the public abuse she endured as an MP.

Her lawyer described the shoplifting as “loss-reactive” behaviour linked to a mental health crisis.

However the Crown argued the mental health connection was tenuous, pointing out the premeditated nature of the offending.

McClintock highlighted the breach of public trust involved, given Ghahraman’s prominent role as a former barrister and parliamentarian.

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  1. Hey Ghahraman, you are a convicted thief (and a green communist) and your bullsh*t excuse of “loss-reactive behaviour” doesn’t cut it. Suck it up buttercup.

  2. Even rats hush away quickly when found out.
    It takes a whopper portion of entitlement and arrogance to whimper about society’s disgust.

  3. Problem is this; if ‘PTSD / Mental Illness as the result of growing up in a war zone, government oppression, etc.’ has validity, then there’s a good chance that she could be forced into the mental ward.
    So could others escaping from Palestine, Iraq, etc.
    THAT would be very difficult to get out from under one one is placed there by a Judge.
    Golriz as a lawyer should know this, that if the convictions are overturned, another type of sentence could be imposed as a further condition.
    Her time would be better focused serving as a legal-type for the Palestinians who are suffering genocide.
    Still, all that gorgeous Golriz really needed was a good spanking given with love to break this perceived entitlement for sub-conscience compensation.
    Had she done the shoplifting in Singapore, that is exactly what she would have gotten, but without love and a severe injury caning with nothing administered by hand.
    In other Muslim / Islamic nations, the punishment would be far worse and medieval-like…and having seen these first-hand as a UN Peacekeeper, I won’t go ino it here…!


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