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Monday, October 14, 2024

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‘Imminent’ revelation of alien life evidence claims NASA-linked filmmaker

Alien life news

British filmmaker Simon Holland has claimed that evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy will be publicly revealed within the next month.

In an interview with the *Daily Mail*, Holland, who has worked on NASA-funded projects, suggested that a five-hour-long burst of radio waves detected five years ago is being reanalysed by researchers at Oxford University as part of the Breakthrough Listen project.

This initiative, led by physicist Yuri Milner, is dedicated to the search for alien life. According to Holland, the delay in publishing the findings is due to technical challenges in confirming the details of the faint signal.

The radio signal, initially detected in 2019 by Australian telescopes while observing the Proxima Centauri star system, was initially thought to be a potential sign of life.

However, in 2021, researchers at Berkeley suggested it was likely a false positive caused by Earth-based interference.

Despite this, Holland claims that new evidence suggests the signal may indeed have come from an advanced alien civilisation.

Citing an insider at Breakthrough Listen and a senior EU radio telescope administrator, Holland insists that researchers are close to confirming this groundbreaking discovery.

Image credit: Sam Goodgame

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  1. And the timing is about right, just in time for the Christmas marketing frenzy… Oh, and yes, more popcorn needed here too. 🤣🤣🤣

  2. I would like to see real disclosure, not some CIA “limited hangout” where we are forever told half-truths mixed with lies to mislead us. Humanity is ready for real disclosure, only the “deep state” wants to stop it because limiting our access to truth allows the continuation of their control.

    They plan to release details of some signal they received 5 years ago. OK, so why not also release all information as to what the JWST (James Web Space Telescope) has found as regards to finding techno-signatures on exo-planets. How about also the US MIL release details of their interactions (from the early 1950’s – William Tompkins – Solar Warden development) onwards with members of the GFW (Galactic Federation of Worlds). What about sightings from the Space Shuttle and ISS, the International Space Station. How about Russian and Chinese MIL do the same. What about the EU MIL also?

    I, for one, am fed up with hearing vague mumble-mumble hint-hint on alt-media (for the most part) about what is going on. Let’s see some real disclosure on the MSM since that is what most of the planet watches and until that happens, nothing else really makes a difference.

    P.S. To anybody important reading this (which probably won’t happen or make a difference LOL), disclose:
    * Existence of ET’s interacting with Earth.
    * Free energy and clean energy technology, sucking limitless amounts of energy from the vacuum.
    * Healing technology that can pretty much heal anything.
    * Exotic propulsion and other related technology including thought interface to ships and solid holograms.

    Think what that would mean as an absolute minimum: Electric cars that never need charging. Recycle lots of stuff by turning it to plasma and then cooling – takes lots of energy now but with free energy would be easy, go to the doctor with Stage 4 cancer – cured in one hour – no more tears, no more missing your kids growing up, fly across the planet in 15 minutes – live in the US and commute to Australia for example – live in the UK and see the Grand Canyon and the Forests of NZ in the same day. Release of this technology would significantly reduce the suffering of humanity.

    Some links that people might find useful:



  3. I wanted to believe 🛸

    But then the mainstream media started putting out articles claiming it’s all real, which all but assures me it isn’t ☹️


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