Authorities confirm that the ‘bird flu’ outbreak is confined to a single farm in North Otago, with no risk to the nation’s egg or poultry supply.
The high pathogenic avian influenza H7N6 was detected on a Mainland Poultry farm in Hillgrove, where 160,000 chickens across four sheds will be euthanised as a precaution.
Strict biosecurity measures remain in place, and five other Mainland Poultry properties have been cleared, with ongoing monitoring.
A second, unrelated farm near Dunedin has also been confirmed free of the ‘virus’.
Mainland Poultry CEO John McKay acknowledged the stress on staff during the containment and depopulation efforts, which include disposing of potentially contaminated materials in a secure landfill.
McKay credited rigorous Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) testing and strong biosecurity measures for preventing the spread, noting a clear link to wild waterfowl as the source.
Bureaucrats assured the public that New Zealand’s poultry supply is unaffected, with no food safety or human health concerns.
Image credit: Oleksandr P
More BS
MPI sacrificed 160,000 healthy chickens because they could. They created a narrative to fit the crime, using “wild water fowl” as the excuse instead of a bat.
Lovely little duckies that were observed plucking the flesh off of penguins???…more BS.
Protein Holodomor via culling healthy poultry. After all, those low-income to no-income families simply cannot have a couple of roasted chooks for Christmas…maybe those too will be targeted for ‘Means-Testing’ by the current Government.
After all, those who are Autistic and own a home cannot receive benefits as per the current PM, who removed financial viability and assets away from those who are Special Needs, and who may have inherited a home from a parent who has passed.
PM Egghead does NOT want those who are vulnerable to have any assets whatsoever! And dominatrix / mistress Nicola is always finding ways to financially punish the voting public…!
The Nazional Party wants to tax your primary home / residence but on the untenable and unrealistic scale based on Ratable Values, and NOT a Flat Rate. THIS IS WHAT BLACKROCK IS IMPOSING ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD,. ALLOWING FAMILIES TO BE TAXED / RATED-OUT OF THEIR HOMES!
Then, the Zionist J3w$ who own Blackrock and is taking care of the same (Larry Fink is a J3w…so it all makes sense!) will purchase the properties, and once established, a J3wi$h Tax Assessor / Rates Officer will then DROP the taxes / rateable Values to make the same property affordable for the J3w$ who moved-into the home.
Below is an example of that. be sure to read the last paragraphs..a home for Israeli displaced J3w$ escaping Tel-Aviv or New Jersey??,58855
What was described prior to the above article will now happen to Buckhead Ridge- a small community that has low taxes, and started out as a fishing camp with caravans and mobile homes. Those low-income retirees who live there permanently will now be taxed-out of their homes by a tax-assessor who will no doubt be J3wi$h in due course, or a Zionist taxman who will raise the property taxes thus displacing the low-income Goyim / gentile retirees out of their homes and off of their properties, and then the J3wi$h lawyers will insure that ‘Lakefront Estates’ will exopand and swallow-up neighbouring ‘communities.
Governor DeSantis will do NOTHING to stop this. Neither will Cuban immigrant turned U.S. Senator marco Rubio, as both men receive massive amounts of money from the Zionist J3w$ at AIPAC!
Simultaneously, food prices will skyrocket, and the produce stands on the side of the road and at Saturday’s Flea markets will disappear, thus removing affordable food, as the J3w$ who are running Florida will declare these food outlets as ‘in violation of code’, or ‘health hazards’, thus laying another further aspect of the planned Holodomor that will be imposed on Goyim non-J3wi$h Floridians.
The food and meat processing plants are being arsoned…just like here in NZ!
In the meantime, the genocide of the chickens will continue on a sporatic basis. Look for this to suddenly exponentially increase as we get closer to the Summer Solstice as per the Masonic Luciferian / Pagan worship.
What is the source of infection? Local bird life is the source, local birdlife will spread the virus to other farms. If you kill all the chickens, you have to restock and the new stock will be infected.
Why not isolate the farm, let the infection run its course, then the survivors will have antibodies and will not be reinfected and life will go on.
Meanwhile, the “bird flu” agenda being played out in the US.
Nationwide demand for raw milk has never been higher, as out-of-control bureaucrats in their ivory towers in Washington, DC, exploit bird flu outbreaks in dairy herds to financially crush small farms while ensuring that large-scale farms owned by mega corporations, which produce questionable/unhealthy food (hence America’s obesity crisis), remain in control of the nation’s food supply chain.
The latest overreach in the war on raw milk comes as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) ordered dairy farmers to work with the federal agency to test for bird flu (H5N1).