High Court Justice Mary Peters has overturned the conviction of Liz Gunn, who was previously found guilty of common assault following an incident at Auckland International Airport in February 2023.
Gunn, who was filming at the airport with a cameraman, was approached by an airport employee questioning their filming activity. During the exchange, Ms. Gunn lightly touched the employee’s arm to regain attention, which led to a charge of assault.
While the District Court found her guilty, the High Court ruled that her actions fell within the bounds of “generally acceptable” physical contact in daily interactions, citing legal precedents that permit minimal physical contact for attention-seeking purposes.
The High Court found that the original trial judge erred in assessing the nature of the interaction, stating that Ms. Gunn was polite and assertive rather than hostile.
The High Court also acknowledged that a conviction for such a trivial act carried disproportionate consequences, particularly for someone with an otherwise clean record.
As a result Gunn’s conviction was set aside.
Some Good News https://t.co/ea0aVE7t3W
— Liz Gunn (@LizGunnNZ) February 13, 2025
Fantastic news.
Good on you Liz!
I am so happy to hear this.
This a victory for simple basic integrity.
Good. Now for a decent monetary compensation from AKL airport to Ms Gunn for all needless drama
Not just needless drama. She, and her cameraman, were brutally assaulted by the cops, unprovoked. No one should be above the law. Take these losers to the cleaners, sacked and fined, at the least.
Stupid cops should never have pressed charges
Good on you Liz for not giving up. Its ridiculous that you needed to go to the High Court, common sense told anyone with half a brain that the Police over reacted. To make this right Liz needs all her legal costs paid by the Police, the original Judge needs to be struck off and the Police need to offer an apology and give their Officers a written warning.
Thank you for doing the RIGHT thing Justice Mary Peters.
Bless you Liz. Please go for costs.
Well done Liz !!!!
Fighting the system is a bit like climbing Mt Everest, the last km kills many, but the view from the top is worth it…..
What a battler. Go girl !
Well done Liz your a ledgon.
Sue police judge and prosecutors for damages, corrupt w***ers
“The High Court found that the original trial judge erred in assessing the nature of the interaction…”
That’s a funny way of misspelling, “was a corrupt establishment stooge, likely bribed or threatened into ruling the way the government wanted…”
…Especially when she formed the NZ Loyal Party and had a decent platform that left the UniParty in the dust…!
The airport scene was in retaliation from the PTB for Liz and the NZ Loyal Party challenging the ‘status-quo’.
THAT was the REAL reason the Masonic Cops (who are enamoured with enforcing anti-human Global Government on most everyone) attacked Liz and her cameraman, and who also attack those who aren’t willing to turn a blind eye (NOT the All-Seeing Eye…) to the anti-human politics of the WEF, WHO, JWO, portions of the UN, the International Bankster Cartel, and those who are subservient to the Zionist US hedgemony, which is rapidly disappearing despite Trump being back in office.
A great example was how the Masonic Cops behaved at Parliament 3 years ago, where another alternative political party leader was attached by the Cops and was left with a debilitating broken hip injury (Alan from the Outdoors & Freedom Party, along with others the Masonic Cops permanently crippled during the protest…!) along with the continued subtle persecution of O&FP Lawyer Sue Gray.
Jabby’s government conducted electronic warfare (via sonic frequency) on the legally assembled crowd, and some MP’s engaged in disgusting acts towards their constituents on those days (ie spraying people down w/ water, refusing to meet with the concerns of the legally-gathered constituents and voters who were at Parliament to address their grievances into the UNAPPROVED, UNTESTED, ILLEGAL AND CRIMINAL BIO-WEAPON COVIS-19 VACCINE AND IT’S BOOSTERS, ALONG WITH ILLEGAL RESTRICTIONS THAT CAUSED MANY BUSINESSES AND LIVELIHOODS TO FAIL!
Jabby is now worth $42 million from an PM salary of $465K.
Monsters always get rewarded with titles, speaking tours, book sales, and pay-outs from the criminals that they support in and out of government.
Yep yep yep, and that is because the crjminals create all the money in the world.
Well done Liz.
It’s the sign of a suspect system. Hiding something – abnormal behaviour.
USAID payouts?
Who else goes off at a slight touch on an Arm… A Gang Member or criminal. That’s what we are dealing with.
Good job! Return to sanity.
The first judge did not erre. The first judge was politically motivated and can nolonger be trusted.
The first ‘Judge’…part of the Zionist / Masonic Old Boy Network which currently infest New Zealand and most of the western world.
I wonder IF the previous ‘Judge’ was a J3w…! OR-
Received regular pay-outs from the now-proven corrupt USAID and promotions in the Masonic Lodge? (32 Degrees???)
“Gee, your Honour…I thought that you were going to be ‘on the level’ and give my client a ‘square deal’..!”
“OH LORD, MY GOD, IS THERE NO HELP FOR THE POOR WIDOW’S SON?” (while waving the arms in the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress, ) or-
Right hand over the heart with the thumb, index and middle-fingers spread out…)
‘”Judge, we ask both you and the Jury not o give my client the *Third Degree in questioning or sentencing!”(*abusive Masonic ritual of being hit in the head with a setting maul re-enacting the false resurrection of Christ via a fake Masonic character of Hiram Abiff who refuses to reveal the ‘secrets of the (Masonic) craft to the three ‘Ruffians, Jubalah, Jubalo, and Jubalum ..)
I hope that Liz Gunn can re-activate and re-register the New Zealand Loyal Party, as there appears to have been Masonic / Globalist / Zionist interference in that as well, post the last (s)election of the Uniparty ‘(s)elected Representatives in Parliament.
Even the Electoral Commissio0n sabotaged the NZ Loyal Party by with-holding information on how to go about registering the Party and it’s candidates standing for office.
That seems to be the truth of the matter. What a corrupt little country NZ has become.
That is the truth of the matter. What a corrupt little country NZ has become.
We must ask some law students to review every single one of the first judge’s decisions and question if they were politically motivated.
A part of the injustice of the first ruling was that everything seemed to be reversed. Now that Liz is no longer considered the aggressor during that interaction, the arresting officer who over exerted force causung injury to Ms. Gunn”s arm and shoulder; should now be reviewed for assault.
You can only hope that all of the perpetrators and champions of this gross injustice are up to date with their boosters
And flu shots
Thank goodness for common sense!
The security gaurd that called this bs out needs to be fired, named and shamed
And the Police and Judge should be sanctioned for corruption.
How could the district court judge make such a ruling unless it was an appeasement to their political masters.
Stick to Your guns
Stick to your guns…by demanding the repeal of the Firearms Act changes post the Christchurch Mosque murders, and your International Human Right to defend yourselves from threats of bodily harm, injury, or the destruction of your property.
Contact Nicole McKee and demand a reversal to the Firearms Act that Jabby encroached us with! Submissions to McKee and the Just-Us Ministry are being accepted regarding the proposed revisions to the Firearms Act.
Sanity at last!
YAY !!!!!!!! justice finally arrived All the Best Liz Gunn
that’s the third piece of good news today keep it coming
The fluoride jackboot queen is going
RFK IS IN great stuff
Congratulations to our Lovely Liz!!
Todays issue is getting the Govt to WITHDRAW the Gene Technology Bill. NO to Gene Tech in NZ!! Get it in today, closing tomorrow.
Has the original judge been removed from office who perpetuated the fraud ?
Has the two Police officers been stood down ?
Can Liz now take a case for damages from the assault by Police along with taking the Airport and Police for damages ?
Our legal system has taken a huge hit by this blatant and obvious miscarriage of justice, they now need to be held accountable or we have no rule of law.
Should never have got to Court
What is happening with Kelvyn Hannah Alps re trumped up charges?