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Monday, January 6, 2025


J. R. Bruning

J.R. Bruning is a sociologist (B.Bus.Agribusiness; MA Sociology(Res)) based in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Bruning is a trustee of Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility (PSGRNZ). Her primary research focus is on the relationship between governance, policy, and the production of scientific and technical knowledge for public good. Other writing can be found on JRBruning.Substack.com and at TalkingRisk.NZ

Judith Collins’ new Gene Technology Bill – A sticky, unconstitutional mess?

The Hon Judith Collins the Attorney General’s Gene Technology Bill has just been published. Collins claims that the Bill will: ‘create an authorisation framework to...

Doubtful new EPA board can stem NZEPA’s backsliding

The latest New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (NZEPA) Board are tasked with the oversight of a regulatory institution that has been backsliding for decades. Overlapping...

Is our food safety authority failing the fairness and impartiality test?

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have held two consultations to gauge public opinion on gene edited ‘new breeding techniques (NBT) organisms, but have...

Fluoride – is risk assessment up to scratch?

Fluoridation of drinking water is mired in controversy, and many people wonder why, as our biggest cities, Wellington and Auckland, have been fluoridated since...

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review: Is the review set up to fail?

The Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review is open for comment until 8 September 2024. The review will focus on the approval path for...

The RBNZ CBDC survey – an artifact constructed to deny dissent

I’ve just had a look through the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s (RBNZ) online survey on ‘Digital Cash’ (their euphemism for central bank digital...

Don’t be misled – Judging the risk from Central Bank Digital Currencies in isolation is a rookie mistake.

New Zealand’s Central bank, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) have opened a consultation on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The consultation closes July...

Programmed failure: are our GP clinics set up to fail?

It’s a week where junior doctors are on strike, and strike they should. But it’s bigger that. Should you care if your local doctors’...

You can make science say whatever you want it to say

Technical and scientific information is like any resource. It can be used for special purposes, it can be shaped and moulded to ensure an outcome...

A challenge for Sarfati – Is medicated drinking water justified?

A judge has just sent the Director-General of the Ministry of Health Dr Diana Sarfati, back to the drawing board to work out whether...
