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Saturday, June 29, 2024

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Farage calls for full investigation into COVID-19 jab safety and efficacy

Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage has called for a comprehensive investigation into the COVID-19 vaccines, questioning their safety and effectiveness.

In an interview this week on GB News Farage said he was skeptical about the promises made regarding the vaccines. He criticised early assurances from the UK government and ‘experts’ that the vaccines would prevent COVID-19 infection and transmission, calling these claims “totally, completely untrue.”

Farage also raised concerns about the safety of the vaccines, saying that they had not undergone the rigorous testing typical for vaccines. Highlighting the unusual frequency of doses, he noted that some elderly individuals are now on their seventh jab, contrasting this with ‘traditional vaccines’ that typically require only a single dose for lifelong immunity.

He said there was a need to investigate not only the general side effects associated with vaccines but also the alarming reports of myocarditis and other heart conditions, particularly among young men.

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  1. Meanwhile New Zealand is still promoting Covid vaccines. How many years of liability does our Government want to endure with their reckless disregard that these vaccines are causing injury and serious health implications. No, they haven’t served their purpose and stopped individuals getting Covid.
    For each vaccine given is another potential claim and when all of the debris is unravelled and the truth surfaces and the masses come forward, who will be standing tall assuming responsibility? Dr Reti should have stopped this vaccine when elected.
    The medical fraternity were well aware of the impact on the Health system, the likely cause and the enduring crisis.

  2. COVID- (mRNA) Vaccines cannot be mandated — 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
    Covid is in all influenza and has never been proven by isolation to be a stand alone specific virus if indeed they even exist at all
    Fake PCR and RAT were used to manipulate and manufacture fake data and statistics to warrant vaccine mandates lockdowns and the destruction of the economy and peoples lives
    Just like they are being used now to misdiagnose an illusory fake highly pathogenic avian influenza

  3. May I ask DT to run a story on this….

    OK these are the jabs testing reports. There were 9572 Variants of Jab.

    1. Click the link below or paste it into your browser.
    2. At the top click on the deaths down arrow.
    3. Or if you like click on the disabilities down arrow or any other order you like.
    4. The New Zealand Government knows what batch you were selectively given.
    5. Remember, this is only the test batches.


    Pass it on to everyone. Friend or Foe – Everyone

  4. OK these are the jabs testing reports. There were 9572 Variants of Jab.

    1. Click the link below or paste it into your browser.
    2. At the top click on the deaths down arrow.
    3. Or if you like click on the disabilities down arrow or any other order you like.
    4. The New Zealand Government knows what batch you were selectively given.
    5. Remember, this is only the test batches.


    Pass it on to everyone. Friend or Foe – Everyone


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