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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Medical researcher claims SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein ‘acts like a progeria drug’

Spike Protein news

Walter M. Chesnut says the excess deaths can be explained in a very clear and concise way – they are all diseases of the old.

Chesnut is the lead researcher at WMC Research, based in Vermont, USA. Progeria is a genetic disorder which causes children to age prematurely. Chesnut believes research shows the Spike Protein is accelerating the aging process in human organs, and thus the onset of disease.

Writing recently on his Substack, he describes how the excess deaths being recorded around the world was not ‘just a “pandemic” of sudden cardiac arrests, cancers or neurodegenerative diseases. It is a hodge-podge of the lot, with no seeming singular cause.’

Investigating the pathologies deeper he theorises a two-stage process:

  • Stage I of Spike Protein Progeria Syndrome (SPPS) is an Endothelial “reaction” to the invasion of the Spike protein into all of the major organs. ‘Consider this much like the shock of being submerged in freezing water, or being blasted with fire’, wrote Chesnut. In this stage there is instantaneous damage: inflammation, coagulation and all that accompanies an insult to the Endothelium.
  • Stage II – Once the Spike Protein has invaded the Endothelium of all the major organs, it then proceeds to induce mistranslation of mRNA in each organ – this leads to the premature aging of all affected organs.

The endothelium, a monolayer of endothelial cells, constitutes the inner cellular lining of the blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) and the lymphatic system, and therefore is in direct contact with the blood/lymph and the circulating cells.

‘The Wizard is indeed behind the curtain. We are seeing a 26-year-old die. But that 26-year-old has the organs of a 96-year-old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death – for a 96-year-old. I believe the Spike Protein is acting as a Progeria Drug – delivered via the Endothelium to all organs.’

Read the full article here.

Image credit: Pixabay

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