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‘Surely it’s not from the vaccine’: Case 15 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 15: ‘Surely it’s not from the vaccine’

In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as to what they have witnessed in Australia’s vaccine roll-out programme.

The testimony is provided to Telegram group ‘Frontline Workers Speak Out!’ (FWSO)*.

Assistant in Nursing (AIN)
AHPRA registration verified
Submission Date: 26/09/2021

I work as an AIN (Assistant in Nursing) in aged care in rural NSW.

One of my colleagues in her mid 30s went home sick the day after her second Pfizer shot. She went white and nauseaus and faint. This was in March and she has not been back to work since (its September now). After ages of going to Doctors etc she was diagnosed with myocarditis, she says she can hardly do anything. She was fine and healthy before, slim, physically active and on a good diet. Whenever the other staff talk about it, the narrative goes: oh she must have had something else before that, surely it’s not from the vaccine.

Two residents died within 2-3 weeks after first Astra-Zeneca shots, however were overall in bad condition before.

Residents are not allowed to leave the facility and nobody is allowed to see them except on compassionate grounds (basically if someone becomes really unwell). This causes some of the people to be really mentally unwell. There has not been one Covid Case in our town for the whole course of the pandemic since 2020.

We are told we have a “choice” to either get the flu and covid shot or we can’t work here. Another colleague had 40 years experience in emergency nursing and refused the flu shot, she was subjected to sitting at the door doing covid checks for about six months (even when there was no flu season) until she gave up and resigned. She had never had a flu shot for her entire career.

* FWSO is an Anonymous channel for nurses and healthcare workers in Australia. Its purpose is to share alternative experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations. Submissions are matched with official registration where available. Submissions are passed through a team of healthcare professionals for vetting. High levels of discernment and security are used in the submission process. Some details may be redacted or slightly altered (ie. timelines, dates, names) to protect the healthcare workers. It is a collective movement with a large admin team. Visit – FWSO Telegram Channel.

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  1. Missouri USA. Many vaccinated die 3 days after shot, then deaths taper off. From UK: Missouri USA, “Dr. Norman Fenton, a professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University in London and lead author of the study, explained in a recent interview more details about his team’s findings.
    A huge problem involves the way government authorities purposely misclassify the definition of an “unvaccinated” person. Only after 14 days is someone who got injected considered “vaccinated,” which means if he or she dies on day 13, then it is counted as an “unvaccinated” death.

  2. Missouri USA. I’ve looked at statistics in Demark, Sweden, Norway and Japan. I’m not finding anything especially dangerous about these Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Japan says young men should avoid the jab because of heart issues (7 times more likely to die from shot than COVID). I’m 68 had pneumonia shot, I’ve survived Alpha (Mild fever, lost smell and taste for 1 week) and Delta (Much like medium Flu). I felt somewhat damaged after Delta, numbness tingling in right arm/hand. After months of 6000 daily units of Vit D3, much better


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