A song highlighting the legacy media’s role in silencing scientific debate over the COVID jab has become an online hit.
Based on the melody of 1964 Simon & Garfunkel hit ‘The Sound of Silence’, the song ‘The Sound of Silenced Science: The Adverse Events Featuring the Spiked Girls’, by VisceralAdventure.Substack.com.
Hello darkness MSM
I’ve come to face you once again,
Because the horrors steadily streaming,
Grew seeds of fear while I was sleeping,
And the nightmares you planted in my brain,
Were sustained,
When you silenced science.
In quarantine I walked alone,
Down the halls of my own home,
In the halo of a Zoom call,
I wore a mask ‘cos I was in their thrall,
Then my mind was stabbed with a thought of its own free will,
I tried until,
I understood the science.
And on the evening news I saw,
10 million people maybe more
People jabbing without thinking,
People aping without listening,
People spewing hate that famous voices shared,
But no one dared,
Disturb the sound of silence.
‘Fools’ said I, ‘You do not know
That silence like a cancer grows,
Learn the science that it might teach you,
Do the math that it might reach you.’
But my words, like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed in the wells of pseudo-science.
And the people bowed and prayed,
To the COVID god they made,
And the science shouted its warning,
In the findings that it was forming,
And I found that the words of the prophets are written in the substack mail,
And Twitter jail,
And echo against the silence.
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