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Is New Zealand heading for a food supply chain crisis?

Is New Zealand heading for a food supply chain crisis?

A man who says he has worked for both Countdown and Foodstuffs says New Zealand is heading towards a food supply chain crisis, and it’s the fault of COVID passports.

In a video posted and shared on social media the unnamed man says the crisis will be ‘absolutely insane’, and is ‘by design.’

Unfortunately Daily Telegraph is unable to post a link to the video, but here’s a transcript of the video:

‘This is going to become such an obvious truth for all kiwis that you can’t ignore it. It’s mathematically impossible for these vaccine mandates to be pushed upon kiwis in all sectors of industry and business, including the education sector, public sector, private sector, retail, logistics, doesn’t matter, you cannot pull this many people out of the economy and not expect some type of disruption, especially when you start seeing mandated vaccines for giant retailers, grocery store chains, and the trucking and suppier companies that supply these grocery retailers like Foodstuffs and Countdown.

‘It is not going to matter who much food we can produce as a nation because we will not have enough hands in the supply chain to bring it to market. We are going to be a first world nation plunged into a supply chain crisis.

‘This is by design.

‘This is why the New Zealand retailers like Foodstuffs and Countdown and been soft of acknowledging, or at least fronting to the Commerce Commission regarding their duopoly. They know the time for them is up – the time of extorting their suppliers, extorting their employees, and extorting us their customers, is about up. But before they finish raping our wallets, they want to give us the impression the government’s going to ‘break this all up’. The reality is it’s just holding us in place while they finish raping our wallets so they can gouge us even more

‘As you go to grocery stores over the next several weeks, you’re going to find it harder and harder and harder to complete your shopping list with all the items you need and also at a price you remember as being reasonable.

‘It’s going to get absolutely insane. You cannot remove this many people from the supply chain and not expect it to become a problem. It is going to get wild. So if you haven’t already, you should stock up. Imported products are going to be a real problem, but guess what’s also imported? Packaging. And when you can’t get all your packaging in New Zealand, it doesn’t matter how much food you produce, if you can’t pack it and put it on a shelf, you’re f**ked. That means we’re all f**ked.

‘So, vaccine mandates are evil. Vaccine mandates are the problem. Unvaccinated people are doing nothing wrong. The government is doing everything wrong. Stop letting them do it. Fight back goddamit. I don’t want to go hungry this Christmas, no one should.’

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