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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Watch: VAERS shows 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths post COVID jab

The week before Christmas the Gateway Pundit reported a shocking 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths since the mRNA jab roll-out.

Dr. Naomi Woolf joined Seth Holehouse of the ‘Man in America‘ podcast to discuss the VAERS data as reported by The Gateway Pundit, and other highly concerning information obtained from the tens of thousands of documents released by Pfizer under compulsion of a court order back in January.

Woolf told Holehouse that there is a definite focus in the Pfizer documents on the effect of the mRNA jab on both male and female reproductive health. And the information is eye-opening.

Two graphs from the official VAERS website show clearly an enormous rise in both miscarriages and stillbirths, and menstrual hemorrhaging in the United States for the years 2021 and 2022.

VAERs data news VAERS data news

There were more than 35,000 menstrual disorders reported from the mRNA jab, and nearly 2,000 cases of testicular pain and/or swelling. These numbers are unprecedented. In 2021 there were just 45 cases of stillbirth or miscarriage attributed to the MMR, Chickenpox, HPV, TDAP and flu vaccines combined.

While VAERS cannot be used to attribute causation, it is surveillance tool used by authorities to monitor safety signals. Health Navigator NZ, a charitable trust set up to provide ‘reliable and trustworthy’ information on health states COVID, not the vaccine, increases the chances of stillbirth. The Royal College of New Zealand Midwives continues to advise all pregnant women to get vaccinated.

There are now just under 2.4 million COVID jab adverse events reported in VAERS, and more than 33,000 deaths from the COVID vaccine.

Warning for unjabbed women over sex with jabbed males

In addition, Woolf told Holehouse the Pfizer documents revealed a warning from the pharmaceutical giant that jabbed men should use two forms of reliable contraception when having sexual intercourse with unjabbed women of child-bearing age. The implication is that bodily fluids, such as semen, from jabbed men could pose a risk to the reproductive health of unjabbed, otherwise healthy, women.

Watch the full Woolf-Holehouse interview below:


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    • The shedding is REAL, bro.

      Gotta find out whether they’re pure-blood or a mutant early on, maybe work it into the initial conversation somehow. If it turns out she’s failed the mass IQ test and taken the poison, I’d advise you leave a Harry-shaped hole in the restaurant wall.

    • There have been a few Dating Agencies starting to pop up for us purebreds one reportedly wanting proof of unvaxxed status before you can register. We are the ‘Gatekeepers’ of what God created as Human. It is all just so surreal when you think about it that in this day and evil age it has come to this. But this is what we must do to remain Human not a clone. The ‘Elite’ wont be cloning themselves thats for sure they just want robots to command. But they will have to answer to God one day soon.

    • Get the jab- get the jab – get the jab – NO Sir Ashley Bloomfield it is time to get you to answer to your crimes. Are you sure you are not related to the Ernst Stavo Blofeld you look vaguely familiar. I think your sick James Bond fantasy production of mass Genocide and enslavement has over run.


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