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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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‘Carbon footprint’ of Taylor Swift 2023 air travel equals 67,534 cows

Taylor Swift news

‘But they want to get rid of the cows’, tweeted Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho).

In 2023, Taylor Swift’s air travel, including her private jet and chartered flights, amassed a carbon footprint equivalent to annual the emissions of approximately 67,534 cows, according to recent environmental analyses published by ‘Concerned Citizen’.

The singer’s extensive use of air travel, due to her busy schedule and global engagements, has drawn attention to the environmental impact of celebrity lifestyles and claims of hypocrisy.

Swift’s carbon emissions, calculated based on her private jet usage and other air travel needs throughout the year, highlight her significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

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  1. Eh, pointing out her hypocrisy is a lost cause, she won’t care. She’s not a person, she’s a walking talking product, she just does as she’s told. Says what she’s told to say, believes what she’s told to believe. The only good thing about her was that screaming goat from the Youtube clips.

    I really don’t care what she thinks or says or does. She’s hitting her mid-thirties now. The wall approaches, and NO ONE beats the wall. No one 😆

    Expect her to do and say progressively dumber things as she tries to stay relevant in the years to come.

    • Kinda like Madonna and her plastic surgery, or the menopausal Spice Girls…!
      Taylah is another product from America’s trailer parks, just like Brittany Spears and a host of girls that Ghislaine went searching for as a ‘finder’ to add to the ranks of Epstein’s servants.
      & BTW, I just modified my Cessna 172 (58 years of air frame age) to run on LPG in the experimental category.
      The engine now burns the equal of 99 Octane, & 99% clean, with an extra :30 minutes of range / distance.
      But, no doubt, the mindset of the PC Globalist NWO crowd will still say that I’m producing a ‘carbon footprint’ while they jet off in their Gulfstreams or Bombardiers to their next meeting of global environMENTAL gaslit psychopaths!

  2. According to leading scientists:
    Co2 causing climate change is hypothetical, not scientific fact as of yet.

  3. I think it would be dwarfed by the carbon footprint of the war in Ukraine and Israel’s attack on GAZA, war is the biggest so called polluter of all.. anyone game to calculate and publish that? It’s just such a joke and these dumb arse greenies don’t dare mention that one eh…especially if they are in parliaments or congresses because then it becomes anti-sementism… hahahaaa on them all… they are all idiots anyway

  4. Sad to see the mindless echoing of a long falsified narrative. (one of several) that in this case demonises a trace gas CO2 in order to help promote the collapse of Western civilisation through destitution, de-industrialisation, de-population, despair, dependency, drugs, de-legitimisation, and death. Take a look at the unfalsifiable UNEP/UNFCCC/IPCC ideological definitions of “climate change,” that place the presence of humanity with its direct and indirect influences on atmospheric composition and land usage on the otherwise perfect face of Gaia. This is a zero sum game with “Net Zero” at its evil heart.


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