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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Speculation mounts over “Fake Joe Biden” after body double and AI voice evidence emerges

Recent speculation has surfaced regarding the authenticity of President Joe Biden, fuelled by credible evidence suggesting the use of a body double and AI-generated voice mimicry.

This theory has gained traction following two significant developments: photos revealing apparent height discrepancies between different appearances of Biden, and a high-profile test conducted by Joe Rogan on an alleged phone call from Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris.

The clone theory primarily hinges on a series of photos that have been scrutinised by experts and the public alike. These images, taken at various events, show what appear to be two different versions of President Biden, with notable differences in height and facial features.

Analysts have pointed out that these differences are too substantial to be attributed to normal variations in posture or camera angles. “The height discrepancies are clear and consistent,” noted a photo analyst. “When you look at the side-by-side comparisons, it’s difficult to believe these images are of the same individual.” Community Notes on X claimed the height differences could be explained by different camera angles.

Adding to the intrigue, Joe Rogan recently conducted a test on his popular podcast, examining the authenticity of a phone call purportedly made by President Biden to Vice President Harris. Rogan employed advanced audio analysis tools to determine whether the voice on the call was genuinely Biden’s or an AI-generated imitation. The results were startling: the analysis suggested a high likelihood that the voice was artificially generated.

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  1. Who else is fake?
    Not one single democratically elected honest leader to be seen… ANYWHERE.
    When you’re a satanist there is no truth.
    America is satans nation.
    Is it that difficult to see?
    Look at them.
    Lies. Filth. Deception. War. Greed, excess, ignorance.
    Peddling their filth onto us all.
    The nazis joined the zionists after world satanic cull two and weaponised freuds psychology to enslave us all under the american dream psyop.
    Utter satanic mass manipulation.
    Look at the result.
    Social collapse.
    Our peoples under attack.
    The network of epsteinites protecting eachother against us.
    Now trump and epstein, vance and thiel…
    A truly satanic clownshow.
    Look at luxon brown nosing all these satanic fraudsters and their climate lies.
    Do we want this?


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