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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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US UFO probe Chief says no ‘credible’ signs of aliens

UFO news

Cases of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP, also known as UFOs) show no signs of extraterrestrial involvement, although there are indications the incidents could be linked to foreign actors, US All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) Director Sean Kirkpatrick said on Wednesday.

“In our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics,” Kirkpatrick said during a US Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on AARO’s activities.

The US Defense Department announced AARO’s establishment in July 2022, tasking it with investigating UAP reports.

The majority of the hundreds of cases presented to AARO show no anomalous characteristics, Kirkpatrick said. However, there remain cases for which there is no conclusive explanation, Kirkpatrick said.

The majority of UAP are described as a round orb or sphere, according to AARO data shared by Kirkpatrick. UAP tend to have no detectable thermal exhaust propelling them and typically occur at an altitude of between 10,000 and 30,000 feet.

“Part of what we have to do as we go through these [incidents], especially the ones that show signatures of advanced technical capabilities, is determine if there is a foreign nexus,” Kirkpatrick said. “I am concerned about what that nexus is, and I have indicators that some are related to foreign capabilities.”

UAP hotspots around the world include the eastern and western coasts of the United States, the Middle East and East Asia, according to AARO data.

The US’ probe into UAP involved collaboration and information exchange with countries around the world, Mobilization Assistant to the Space Force Chief of Space Operations, Maj. Gen. John Olson, said last week.

AARO seeks to turn UAP into “SEP,” somebody else’s problem, by clarifying the incidents and handing off cases to other agencies, Kirkpatrick said.

In a Fox News interview broadcast on Tuesday, billionaire entrepreneur and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said if anyone would know about aliens it would probably be him, and he has not seen “any evidence” of aliens.

Image credit: Public Domain

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  1. The fact that the UFO stories aren’t being banned, censored and discredited like crazy is all the proof I need to know they’re fake.

    Also amazing how they conveniently always come out around the same time as Chinese spy balloons, exploding Nordstream pipelines, Biden family bank statements, vaccine studies and basically any other news story damaging to the establishment. Almost as if it’s all a big distraction or something. Weird… 🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. what a coincidence. I came across a video on this subject last night. Very serious and knowlegeable people with scientific background .
    Sighting of UFO everywhere in the world, as wel as research, but the usa and uk seems to have withold info, especially kept inside air forces.

  3. Could someone ask Admiral Byrd (Operation High Jump) and Admiral Forrestal?
    Their reports are still classified…
    OH…I forgot…they were hushed-up, U.S. Navy-style.
    As Buzz Aldrin transmitted on his social media account (only to be erased minutes later): “It’s evil! We’re all in danger!” when he went to Antarctica. Buzz saw something that rattled him, and tried to warn us all.
    See Steve Quayle’s book as it relates to Nazi Bases in Antarctica, and David Icke’s assessment of what is REALLY going on out of sight & out of mind in the Antarctica!

    • It’s interesting to note also that the theory of the the ‘aliens’ could actually be a subterranean race as were seen in several places.
      The Navajo, Apache and Lakota refer to them as ‘The Star People’.
      The Cherokees referred to these beings / creatures as the ‘Moon-Eyed People’.
      Maori knew them as Patupaiarehe.
      In the Philippines they were Anito.
      In the Marianas, they were Taotao.
      In Hawaii they were Menehune.
      Genetic experiments go back many decades, with the ‘leaked theory’ that the aliens (grays) were created in labs.
      In due course, the truth seems to leak out, so time will tell.
      UFO’s, UAP’s, etc have been documented for centuries, but noteworthy is the Vimana aircraft from India.
      Old technology rediscovered, then classified, and used to manipulate the public.
      Business as classified usual…!

    • Deagel Report for 2025 matches perfectly, via vaccine deaths, war, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) against the global populations!
      ALL of those who are awake and aware of ‘The Great Reset Plan’ should be fully prepped, fully awake and fully armed as per the U.N.’s own contradictory Chapter 7 Article 51.
      I wonder how much longer the latter will remain in the U.N.Charter / Agreements with their ‘Global Enslavement Plan’???


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