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‘Anti-science, fanaticism and fantasy behind fluoridation directive’, say Fluoride Free NZ

Fluoridation news

The decision to direct Councils to fluoridate water supplies appears to have been made without Dr Bloomfield considering any of the matters he was legally required to consider before giving a direction, an Official Information Act reply reveals.

The Government was losing the scientific argument so it passed the power to a political bureaucrat who would make a predetermined “decision” supporting policy, not fact. It was always clear that this legislation was mandatory fluoridation by the back door – in the face of the overwhelming science that fluoridation is ineffective and unsafe.

The entire “case” this directive is based on is the 2009 Oral Health Survey “house of cards”. The Survey actually states it is not a fluoridation study!

Since New Plymouth ceased fluoridation in 2011 tooth decay has continued to decrease – at the same rate as in the still-fluoridated areas. On this basis, the directive to fluoridate New Plymouth is unlawful under the legislation.

We have very good school dental data on tooth decay rates. An in-depth analysis of those data does not support claims of a benefit from fluoridation. Targeted programmes such as school toothbrushing programmes, as included in the Scottish Childsmile programme (most successfully replicated at Kaitaia Intermediate School in Northland) would be a far better use of money and resources than wasting millions we cannot afford on fluoridation equipment.

Nationwide, new fluoridation plant capital costs are estimated to exceed $150m, and there has been no consideration given to ongoing operation and maintenance, which will be sheeted home to ratepayers.

Transferring a fraction of these costs to supervised school oral health programmes would reach wider than community water fluoridation and on the basis of proven experience be far more successful.

We also now have evidence beyond any reasonable scientific doubt that water fluoridation reduces children’s intelligence by as much if not more than Leaded petrol was, when we banned it. This has been shown to have measurable negative life outcomes.

Green 2019 showed IQ damage in the womb from fluoridated water, especially for boys. Goodman 2022 showed that Iodine deficiency in the mother (common in NZ) made this even worse. Till 2020 showed IQ damage from bottle-feeding with fluoridated water. Riddell 2019 showed an increase in ADHD from fluoridated water.

What parent in their right mind would dumb down their children, or increase their risk of ADHD, even if they believed it would save them ½ a filling?

The people of Whangarei, Waipukurau, Ashburton and Timaru have all made it clear they do not want fluoridation. Yet the Act does not require consultation with any of them, contrary to the strong recommendation of the 1956 Commission of Inquiry into Fluoridation.

This “decision” is just another display of totalitarianism by a Government that doesn’t listen to the people who elected it on any issue, and is well past its use-by date.

For more information, visit Fluoride Free NZ.

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  1. Fluoride is a key ingredient in Rat Poisons!!!

    Get a Crown Berkey gravity-fed water filtration system NOW with the Berkey Black Filters AND-

    Include the he PF-2 Filters that remove ALL fluoride AND psychotropic drugs that the governments overseas have used in the past to medicate the masses in order to prevent uprisings and ‘social unrest’ by introducing such drugs into the municipal / council drinking water supplies!

    The Berkey Black Filters last around 2-3 years, and are easy to clean when needed, and the PF-2 Filters last for one (1) year. the PF-2 filters will filter out all viruses and bacterium, including Covid-19 & all variants.

  2. The ‘fluoridation of Council water supplies’ was Bloomfield’s parting shot at the genociding of ALL New Zealanders!!!
    Fluoride retards brain growth, lowers IQ, and can cause related long-term illnesses.
    Couple that with the Covid-19 vax and ‘boosters’ and you have a real recipe for a global holocaust not seen before on the Earth barring the Spanish Flu (made worse w/ high-powered Morse Code Transmitters in 1918) and the localised European Bubonic and Pneumonic Plagues.
    Find some water filters that remove fluoride (Aqua-Pure and under-sink filtration, for instance) and most microbes that are known to be harmful to humans.
    Un-contaminated water is essential for life! Everyone should be getting on to this ASAP, or at least demand that Councils make fluoride and chlorine free TESTED water available at public locations!
    Now watch the perpetrator(s) of all of this sh!t run-off to a country that does not have extradition agreements with New Zealand, where he / they and their ilk who perpetrated all of this injectible holocaust and mRNA genocide onto us will live out their lives via saline solutions.

  3. I wonder where hypocrite Greens are? This deep state sponsored party is all out war mongering in Europe and spreading russophobia. They are too keen to cajole their supporters for NWO, suppotrting jabs and all sort of medical interventions. In NZ, they are big supporters of water monoploisation ns the three waters theiving. Carbon trading scheme is the rich globlaists means to sqeeze and the local Green “leaders” such as Shaw are in favour of Jabcinda burning more and more coal in the north island with carbon trades. On the other hand, the surplus hydro power is given below the cost to smelters while the public in South cannot heat their homes. Green agenda in action.

    • Don’t be silly, the Greens do absolutely nothing. They are a scourge on the taxpayer. Who still votes for these seat warmers? The Greens are simply there to help the Govt get votes to rush through legislation the public knows nothing about. The Greens are simply agitators who claim to stand up for peoples rights while systematically looking the other way when people are being robbed of their rights.

      As for Ashley Bloomfield. You will keep mate. You will keep. We will never forgive you for what you have done to this country. That was your parting shot was it? I see. Maybe read Proverbs 20:22 again.

      The mass dosing of a population just because a few lazy parents can’t feed their kids properly and clean their teeth is utterly disgusting. We don’t want it in our water. It IS POISON. There is a big difference in brushing your teeth and spitting it out and injesting it internally.

      Type 2 diabetes is a bigger problem than tooth decay. In fact they are linked. Why aren’t we addressing the problems arising from type 2 diabetes? I will tell you why. MONEY. The McDonald’s, the kfcs, the burger kings the cokes and Pepsis. Also big pHarma pumping out drugs for type 2 diabetes so they can make more money. Their bottom line is seemingly more important than our individual and collective human rights to choose what we injest.

      This Govt and all who enable it and their dictate DISGUST ME.

  4. Correction to the last part of the article- this government absolutely IS listening to the people who elected it, it’s just not the citizens.

  5. Despicable govt that ignores science and the wishes of tax payers, they need to be voted out next year but God knows if they alternative will be any the better!

  6. So, the more water you drink, the higher the fluoride dose. Genius!
    The stupidity and incompetence of our health bureaucrats is beyond belief.

    Thanks and so long Ashleigh Bloomfield, a one man health and environmental catastrophe. You won’t be missed.

  7. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and a dangerous waste product of the aluminium industry. Yet the wilfully ignorant morons working in government ‘health’ departments want to put it in our drinking water.

    We are truly living in an idiocracy.

  8. More ‘magical thinking’ from Ashleigh Bloomfield.

    Ineffective and dangerous jabs, Ineffective and dangerous masks, and now Ineffective and dangerous fluoride added to drinking water.

    What an incredibly toxic legacy he has left for New Zealand. History will not judge him kindly.

  9. Ashleigh Bloomfield has violated the Bill of Rights Act 1990.

    11. Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment
    Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.

    I did not consent to fluoride being added to my, or my children’s drinking water.

    Forced medication is clearly a breach of this legislation, not to mention the most basic fundamental human rights.

    • You are 100% right. We should do a class action law suit. Everyone named in the class action can be the people who did not consent to the adding of fluoride to the water. There will be hundreds of thousands of us.

      There are precedents for this kind of thing.

    • Bloomfart- Devil in a suit.

      Only a few years ago, whenever I used to hear about despotic, corrupt rulers form other parts of the world, I used to be so grateful how safe we were in NZ. How wrong I (and most NZers I suspect) have been!!

      Never in history we have had such as nasty bunch of criminals bringing so much despair, inequality (read racism) and misery to the citizens.

      These criminals need to be hunted down, nothing short of a modern day Nuremburg.

  10. Trapped In The Slaughterhouse

    The modern empire rules us by filling our markets with Wonder Bread and our schools and media with lies. By filling our bellies and starving our souls. By churning out mountains of useless landfill without ever producing anything of real value. By making more while providing less.

    They improve food production and medicine just enough to lengthen our lifespans, only so that they have more life to drain us of. They let us populate the earth with more humans only to drain us of our humanity.

  11. I want to leave this sh1thole of a country that only 2 years ago I loved. Anyone got any ideas of where to go? where there is no racism , no undemocratic co government crap, cheaper cost of living, no mass poisoning and no discrimination over medical status and no mandatory face coverings? The immigrants can have this toxic sh1thole and the govt that pays benefits to people who don’t live here and nothing to people paying taxes. So fricken over it. I will make sure I let the door hit me on my way out too.

  12. Sodium fluoride is a precursor chemical for making 1080 a few raids on water treatment plants and hey presto who needs guns anymore


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