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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Arrest made after firearms incident in Manurewa

Counties Manukau Police have arrested and charged two people in relation to an incident in Manurewa last week, where a firearm was discharged towards a property.

Police were called to Frobisher Way, Manurewa, about 1.15am on Saturday 15 June, after a report of a shot being fired towards a residential address.

A scene examination located evidence including a bullet and casing, as well as damage to the house.

A number of enquiries have been carried out in relation to the incident, and this morning a 22-year-old woman and a 26-year-old man were arrested.

They have been charged with willful damage and intentional damage causing danger to life. They are both next due to appear in the Manukau District court on Monday 24 June.

‘Our investigation has determined this was an isolated incident involving parties known to each other, and it is not believed to be connected to other recent firearms incidents in Counties Manukau,’ said police in a statement.

‘Police have no tolerance for gun violence and will continue to hold those responsible to account.

‘Anyone with information about unlawful activity in our community is urged to get in touch – please call 111 if it is happening now, or to share information after the fact, use our 105 service.

‘You can also share information anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.’

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Source:NZ Police

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