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Friday, October 25, 2024

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Auckland floods: Wayne Brown wasn’t on Emergency Management e-mail list

Mayor Wayne Brown, with Franklin councillor Andy Baker (right) talks to Growers’ Association representatives at Pukekohe. Image © Our Auckland.

Neither the Mayor nor his office received crucial updates the day before or during the recent record-breaking storm.

E-mails from Civil Defence, as well as Emergency Management, did not get through to Mayor Brown or his staff. A report from RNZ said the issue had now been fixed.

Brown has commissioned a review into the emergency response, which will include an investigation into communication lines.

Mayor extends state of emergency

Meanwhile the state of emergency in Auckland was extended yesterday for seven days. It’s expected that order will be lifted prior to that as Auckland’s weather continues to stablise. Brown made the extension based on advice he received from Civil Defence and Auckland Emergency Management.

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  1. This seems deliberate to me to set Wayne up, wouldn’t surprise me at all as we know which way most people who work for the council lean.

    They set him up, then sent in their nasty basement dwelling Twitter trolls, this hit job was picked up by the labour loving paid off actors in the MSM.

    Only they got found out. 🤣🤣🤣

    And Wayne called it right when he called the media drongos. That’s the perfect word to describe the majority. They are a disgrace to themselves. No one watches them anymore, soon their jobs will go. Thanks to their appalling lack of integrity, shameful behaviour over covid and adherence to govt propaganda, they have lost their following, lost respect and the next thing is their jobs are on the line. karma will be busy this year. Can’t happen fast enough.

    • Drongo is a word that someone who could survive this storm would use, sycophant would be more adapt, drongo just shows how out of depth Brown is, he wont even be able to turn the tables on his enemies and he will never have a better chance.

      • Drongo is NOT a word that someone who could survive this storm would use, sycophant would be more adapt, drongo just shows how out of depth Brown is, he wont even be able to turn the tables on his enemies and he will never have a better chance.

        • What about the drongo who left Wayne purposely off the email list huh?

          I heard the dude that did that was cheering on Efeeso Colin’s mayoral campaign. Someone needs an employment review STAT.

          Leftists are NASTY and they have been exposed.

          • Leftists are not Leftists they are Progressive Liberals, there is a difference, they might be nasty but anyone unsophisticated enough to still be using the word `Drongo` is way out of their depth, non-progressives really need to lift their game, in fact they dont have a game other than learning the Pro/Lib game and walking on egg shells so they don’t get called an `ist` and dont have an alternative to the ProgLib strategy and that is because you are so insular and isolated.
            You really are dinosaurs and using the word Drongo proves it, if you thing voting National is going to make any difference you are wrong because they are just a bunch of conflicted wishy washy Uncle Tom Liberals that are easy on being Progressive.
            And nobody will lose their job but if they do it will be a promotion.

  2. MSM are disgraceful, this is a deliberate, coordinated attack on the major. If he was a left wing flake bomb Liebour supporter, he’d be portraid as angelic.

    The sooner NZHerald, Stuff et al are bankrupt, the better!

    • ?????? You do know they are subsidised by the government? you do know that like all MSM they are controlled by foreign Elites, if they do go bankrupt they will only be restructured and will never close down, you do know that they are the propaganda arm of the woke western liberal democracy?

  3. Looks like the progressive /Labour/ Liberals found a way to bury a hatchet in the back of Browns head off the back of a pile of dead bodies,
    I bet nobody has the gonads to call them out for this and nobody will face any consequences.
    Not surprising coming from the people who killed and maimed people with a vaccine the said was safe and effective, don’t forget they injected your children with their dogma.

    • Drongos. Gormless drongos. And all this malarky they’re saying is absolute cods wallop!

      But did they not the lovely Jacinda and the Labour party, do this way before and sorry to bring it up again, the Pike River Mine disaster?

      Of course Labour were never responsible for any miss advemture on their watch noo… Cough cough it would seem tasteless to go over them all.

      Brown will have to wise up to their underhand shinanigans.

      • Cant teach and old dog new tricks, people dont realise that the Universities are controlled by a left who are in fact progressive liberals, I call myself a working class leftist which in these times is far left and see I have more in line with todays right than ProLibs, freedom of speech etc but anyone coming out of univercity these days have had their overton window moved drasticly to the left and most of them dont even realise it.
        If you want to strike a blow to the heart of the Evil Empire go after the Universities and teachers union.

  4. The lefty’s don’t care about all the people who died, were injured and who lost their jobs from the jab Cindy and chippy pushed.


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