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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Auckland mayoral candidate Craig Lord assaulted by raging driver ‘drunk or heavy on drugs’

Craig Lord news
Source: Craig Lord for Auckland Mayor, Facebook.

Craig Lord was working on his home when he heard a commotion coming from the road.

He posted on his Facebook a description of what happened.

Well…. I might have a new scar.
The story:
I was working on my house and heard a car up the road doing mad wheel spins in the rain. I watched it rip past my place, lose control, sideswipe my neighbours parked car and drive off. The car he hit is a write-off and I feel for her because she works in Panmure.
So I go for a walk knocking on neighbourhood doors to find where it came from before I ring the police – and coincidentally as I was knocking on his door he comes running up the driveway.
He was drunk and/or heavy on drugs and had come running from his wreck around the corner. (Which I didn’t know he had wrecked at the time)
I asked if it was his car. He responded with a swing.
Anyway, I wasn’t going to let that happen again so I took him down – hard. Let’s just say the ratio of hits was in my favour ????
What I didn’t know was the wife happened to be behind me at that exact time the ‘scuffle’ started.
She went into freak mode calling for help.
My boy arrived milliseconds after, and then two more neighbours arrived.
The guy was raging. I dunno if it was just booze or if he was also drugged up. Four of us struggled to hold him down while we waited for the police.
We helped them get the cuffs on him, and eventually he was taken away. It took some work.
The asshole could’ve killed someone, but thankfully he only destroyed two cars and a power pole.
One drunk driver down. And I’m not upset about it.
So I have a new battle scar which is likely to be permanent, along with bruised ribs and scratches. My boy has a some bruises and tender ribs but I’m proud as hell of him and now he has better stories for work.
It’s a Harry Potter scar!
The wife wants us to go to A&E but I’ve been protesting cause of the rugby. But the ambo is taking us both for a ride. I’m going to miss the final ????????????????????????????????
Go the BLUES!

Craig Lord news
Craig Lord and his son in A&E. Souce: Facebook.

Lord provided an update this morning:

Got home at 2:30 this morning. Had a siesta, now enjoying a morning coffee. Thanks everyone for your well wishes, boy and I have bruised ribs and my head has been superglued.
Doc said no shower till Monday so I’m lobbying the wife about sponge baths.

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  1. Welcome to the world of Mad Max and Dead-End Drive In.
    It’s even worse overseas…
    See Snordster’s video titled ‘Doomsday Preppers’.

  2. This is why we need firearms in the form of handguns and conceal-carry permits!
    This will get worse!
    And the legislation to allow one to defend oneself with a weapon should be ratified as per Castle Laws elsewhere, and is in keeping with the UN Charter with the Right to Self Defence if one is threatened with loss of life and / or bodily harm.
    Hence, the UN Charter which NZ signed on to actually over-rides local law that is oppositional to this effect????
    See the video of a Texas Post Office being robbed, and what a customer did to stop the same!
    New Zealand needs to stop being pacifists and wimps with regards to tolerating these crims for whatever reason and grow a pair when it comes to self-defence and protecting one’s family from harm, since the cops will not be showing up for several hours anyway!
    When all hell breaks loose, it will be the person in the mirror who will be the only one coming to your aid!


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