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Friday, October 25, 2024

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Australian politician defiant after controversial interview with Russian media

Adrian McRae, a businessman and council member from Port Hedland, Australia, has come under fire from Western Australia Premier Roger Cook after an interview with Russian media outlet Sputnik, in which he criticised the portrayal of Russia in Western media and questioned the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Following the interview, Premier Cook called for McRae’s resignation, labeling him “an embarrassment” and accusing him of undermining public trust. McRae, however, dismissed the Premier’s attacks, accusing him of avoiding important questions regarding vaccine safety and deflecting attention with personal attacks.

In the Sputnik interview, McRae expressed concern over the state of free speech in the West, asserting that countries in the BRICS bloc offer more protection for freedom of expression.

McRae also praised the transparency of Russia’s electoral process, for which he served as an observer, drawing further criticism from Australian media. He argued that the Premier’s focus on his Russia-related comments was a way to distract from local concerns, particularly the council’s inquiries into mRNA vaccine safety.

Despite the backlash, McRae remains defiant, criticising Premier Cook for resorting to personal attacks and accusing the media of supporting a biased narrative. He stated that he feels confident in his stance, claiming that he has “truth and science” on his side, and dismissed the Premier’s actions as desperate attempts to smear his character.

The Port Hedland town council made international last week after it voted to call for the immediate suspension of mRNA gene therapies marketed to the public as ‘vaccines’.

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  1. This is precisely the sort of decent person we need in office in Australia and New Zealand. The notion we are colony’s of the US and UK plus its acronym overlords, needs to come to an end.

  2. Oh and as for the Australian mainstream media, absolute garbage peddler’s, even worse than NZ (hard to believe I know)…..

  3. And…the Aussie Cossack is still having to seek refuge / sanctuary in the Russian Embassy due to the orchestrated persecution and prosecutions being levied against him…(almost 600 days now in the Russian Embassy, similar to Assange’s sanctuary that was eventually violated in South America)…
    Russia is NOT the enemy of the West or Australasia; the Zionist minions controlled by Israel and Greater Khazaria (Ukraine) are!
    Australia and New Zealand need to merge and become one nation under God, declare Armed Neutrality, and begin to think about joining BRICS away from the Zionist Banksters and their fiat system.

  4. The truth must be protected with a bodyguard of lies
    Through proselytes lackeys useful idiots and hemorrhoid inspectors
    The truth is the enemy of the lie
    The lie is the enemy of the truth
    Nothing pervades light
    BS can not exist in light
    Jesus YAHWASUA the Spirit of Truth the Very Elect Ekkylessia Qahal the Church
    People like Cook are merely a representation and demonstration of evil
    After all how do You know what evil is if You have not experienced it first hand?
    All part of Our education here in 3D schoolhouse earth
    We are being perfected for the body and that body is being prepared (already perfected) for Us
    There are many dwellings in heaven not mansions (John 14:2)
    Romans 8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of YAHWAH God
    The earth child creation cannot deliver itself
    Light dwells in and travels through darkness
    Light from the sun takes 8mins 30seconds to reach the earth
    Without darkness there is no light

    When we are born into 3D we go towards the light
    When we are resurrected and redeemed into eternal life we go towards the light
    Revelation 22:5 “And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God YAHWAH giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.”
    Out of darkness into light
    Out of ‘the’ death into eternal life
    Alpha and omega
    The beginning and the ending

  5. Well played Sir. McRae expressed concern over the state of free speech in the West, asserting that countries in the BRICS bloc offer more protection for freedom of expression. The East has already been gaining from those early birds fleeing the communist/bolshevik west who see the writing on the wall, and this will only increase in number going forward.
    Premier Cook is the only “dick” (embarrassment) in this story, being worried about his own public trust status now.


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