A midwife has been criticised for abandoning a mother in labour at a remote rural home with no electricity or phone coverage, resulting in a tragic birth where the baby was not breathing and could not be revived.
The mother, 43 weeks pregnant, had been advised to give birth in a hospital after her waters broke with meconium present two weeks earlier, but chose to stay home.
The midwife left, believing labour was not well established, and instructed a back-up midwife to leave as well, leaving the woman’s husband to manage alone.
Health and Disability Commissioner Rose Wall’s report found the midwife breached care standards, including administering unqualified herbal remedies. The midwife has since undergone supervision and training, and has been advised to apologise to the family.
Image credit: Freestocks
Such negligence by the mother and the midwife. Meconium means baby is in distress and must be born ASAP. Unreal.
New Zealand’s quality healthcare, right? And all that’s required is an apology, eh?