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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Biden declares US energy emergency

US energy emegency news

The nation’s ability to provide sufficient electricity is under threat, partly because of Russia-Ukraine conflict, president says.

US President Joe Biden has blamed Russia for another crisis, saying his country might not be able to generate enough electricity to meet consumer demand. He partially blamed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Biden declared an energy emergency on Monday, saying national security and quality of life are jeopardized by potential shortfalls in power supplies. He invoked the Defense Production Act – originally part of an industrial mobilization effort in response to the Korean War – to spur domestic production of solar panels and other forms of “clean” energy to boost power supplies.

“Multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand,” Biden said in his emergency declaration. “These factors include disruptions of energy markets caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change.”

Increased reliance on renewable energy sources has been blamed for disruptions to power service in such states as California and Texas. Solar and wind power are intermittent, so periods of high demand aren’t always matched by supplies. For instance, wind turbines froze up during an historic winter freeze last year in Texas, contributing to blackouts that caused 246 deaths and at least $195 billion in damage.

Biden’s emergency declaration included a two-year exemption from tariffs on solar panels from four Southeast Asian countries. The proposed tariffs had been blamed for delaying major solar projects in the US. About three-fourths of the solar modules installed in the US are imported from Southeast Asia.

The president has blamed Russia for record US fuel prices and a surge in inflation to a 40-year high. He’s also attributed a looming global food crisis to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Oh here comes the avalanche of bullshit excuses, it’ll soon hit Aus and NZ as well.

    There have always been winters and summers, blizzards and hurricanes, droughts floods and tornadoes. Always. The power stayed on and the world kept turning throughout all of it.

    It’s still the exact same world today as it was then, same sun in the sky, same dirt beneath our feet. Do not for one second let these filthy liars blame anything on Muh climate change or Muh extreme weather, when everything that’s going wrong in the global economy is a DIRECT result of their shitty policies and their climate change/ 6uild 6ack 6etter global Ponzi scheme.

    This is deliberate controlled demolition, and they are 100% responsible for everything going wrong in the world today. Must be a helluva lot of fun meeting like Bond villains in Klaus Schwab’s volcano bunker just to sniff each other’s farts and toast “ZE FOOCHURE…”

    It’s a complete joke at this point, just not the funny kind.


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