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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Biden Dispatches Team to Solomon Islands in Apparent Effort to Sabotage China Deal

High-ranking US officials are being deployed to the Pacific Islands this week as State Dept. spokesman Ned Price warns of “destabilization” if Solomon Islands signs a much-maligned bilateral agreement with China.

USA Solomon Islands news

The White House announced Friday that a delegation including “representatives from the National Security Council, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the United States Agency for International Development” will arrive in the Solomon Islands this week as Washington looks to prevent the island nation from establishing a security agreement with the People’s Republic of China.

The Biden regime claims the group–headed by National Security Council Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink–will “meet with senior government officials” in the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Papua New Guinea “to ensure our partnerships deliver prosperity, security, and peace across the Pacific Islands and the Indo-Pacific.”

According to Reuters, State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters at a press briefing that US officials would be discussing their ‘concerns over China’ with the government of the Solomon Islands. Price insisted that US policy in the region is “not about China or any other country,” but he went on to claim that “signing such an agreement could increase destabilization within the Solomon Islands.”

An early draft copy of a potential security deal between China and the Solomon Islands was made public last month in a leak which the island nation’s Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, attributed to “some lunatics and agents of foreign regimes in the government system” with “no regard for secrecy.”

The document indicates the Solomon Islands could “request China to send police, armed police, military personnel and other law enforcement and armed forces” in the case of outbreaks of violence, like the deadly riots which rocked the island nation of around 700,000 inhabitants in 2019. Under the terms specified in the leaked document, Chinese naval vessels could use the Islands’ facilities for stopovers and supply replenishment as well.

On Sunday, Australian Foregin Affairs Minister Marise Payne reiterated her belief that “the Pacific family” is “best placed as responders to security issues in the Pacific region.” But the Solomon Islands were forced to rely on Chinese assistance last December after anti-government protests devolved into anti-Chinese pogroms. At the time, Prime Minister Sogavare seemed to blame the US and Australia for what he characterized as a low-intensity coup attempt by leaders of the breakaway island of Malaita, whose US government funding increased fifty-fold from 2019 to 2020 after leaders refused to break ties with Taiwan like the rest of the nation.

“These very countries that are now influencing Malaita are the countries that don’t want ties with the People’s Republic of China,” Sogavare said at the time. “I don’t want to name names, we’ll leave it there—we know who they are.”

Condemnation of the deal from Five Eyes nations has been constant since it was leaked. “We do not believe PRC security forces and their methods need to be exported,” a US State Department spokesman said in a statement. Apparently unaware the deal was negotiated bilaterally, they claimed its passage would fuel concerns over what they called “Beijing’s unilateral expansion of its internal security apparatus to the Pacific.”

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her administration sees “such acts as the potential militarization of the region”–a possibility she claimed is “gravely concerning.”

Australia’s Foreign Ministry issued a public statement insisting it respects “the right of every Pacific country to make sovereign decisions,” but “would be particularly concerned by any actions that undermine the stability and security of our region, including the establishment of a permanent presence such as a military base.”

But Sogavare’s response was similarly unequivocal. “There is no intention whatsoever… to ask China to build a military base in Solomon Islands,” he told Parliament in late March.

“We are insulted,” by suggestions otherwise, the Prime Minister said, explaining that such “unfounded stories” are encouraged because they feed the notion that the Pacific is “the backyard of big Western powers.”

But the Solomon Islands “do not belong to any external alliances… nor do we wish to pick sides,” Sogavare explained, before declaring that “the only side we will pick… is our national security interest.”

He described “the unfortunate perception held by many leaders that the region’s security is threatened by the presence of China” as “utter nonsense.”

Since the Solomon Islands switched diplomatic recognition from the breakaway province of Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China in 2019, Sogavare has been eyed with increasing suspicion by western powers. Now it appears the feeling may be mutual. In his address Tuesday he called to reject the notion “that the world can only enjoy peace and stability if… every country in the world shed off their identity” and “succumb to our way of thinking by undue pressure, including regime change.”

“You only have to turn on your TV,” Sogavare said, to see what the push for “liberal hegemony” is “doing to the world: it is causing instability and evil and civil war in many countries in every continent.”

In an apparent reference to a controversial article published last month in the Courier-Mail headlined “Australia ‘must ready Solomon Islands invasion’ to stop China security deal,” Sogavare noted that “discussions in the Australian public media encouraging the invasion of Solomon Islands to force a regime change” do “nothing to strengthen our bilateral relations.

“When a helpless mouse… is cornered by vicious cats,” Sogavare said, “it will do anything to survive.”

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  1. China can more than match Biden’s worthless dollar bribes.
    It is likely US will create internal divisions, supply illegal weapons etc, to keep Solomon Island people fighting with each other, but China knows all the US tricks. Even though it is called a security deal, China is also creating an economic benefit to Solomon Islands (eg. tourism).

  2. Difficult decision for the Solomons,which totalitarian state to go with communist China or a collection of liberal fascist regimes just as evil

    • Yip, Globohomo or Winnie the Pooh.
      Tough call.

      South Park’s old episode about the choice between a turd sandwich or a giant douche always seems to come true.

    • Ha! No difference. It’s all pretend. Whatever they all say is the opposite. Didn’t this all start quite a few years ago right before ole Jabs took the election from Bill?

  3. I hope Sogavare sends Biden packing. A sovereign nation can choose it’s own alliances in accordance with what that nation believes is best for them. The 5 eyes nations are losing friends, this is what happens to people-nations-alliances that have proven they cannot be trusted. They lose friends.

    • Five eyes? Just a single eye monster with 4 reflecting mirrors.

      My way or high way. My enemy should be your enemy. If you dont listen to me, there will be consequences. This is the crude description of how US diplomacy works. China calls it as “zero sum” diplomacy of what US does with allies.

      Under Jabcinda, NZ diplomatic policy is no different from what Monkia Lewinsky did to appease Clinton in an unequal friendships within the five eyes group of nations.We are good at virtue signalling to hide the Lewinsky nature of our foreign policy.

      • I agree.
        As Putin stated, “NZ dociley follows” …our leaders do at least.
        The balance of power in the world looks to be changing.
        The US and allies are desperate, their MSM lies expose just how desperate.

  4. This is bulls**t, and this has been going on for years. I wrote a letter to our then Minister of defense warning about this three years ago, their response was they knew about it. These idiots have had many years to counter the CCP in the pacific and they simply haven’t bothered. Our leaders are simply incompetent idiots.

    • Why counter CCP and not US? Let me ask a few questions….

      Who has the largest number of military bases in the Pacific?
      Who constructed most new bases after the second world war?
      What business one has in the south china sea when you dont have any border there?
      Who refuses to sign United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea?
      Who refuses to sign a treaty that will treat space as a sanctuary?
      Who has started wars based on lies and killed over a million people after the second world war?
      Who refuse to sign a treaty on biological warfare material inspection?
      Who is refusing democracy in UN member voting and removal of veto powers?

      The list can go on and on. It is not China for the above questions and you can find out who the bully is once you start ignoring the MSM propaganda.

      • Everyone knows that I’m not going to be drawn into an USA vs CCP argument. I don’t follow the MSM lies either, haha. I was only trying to make the point that AU & NZ governments have had ample warning of the influence of the CCP in the Pacific and specifically the Solomon’s for many years. Looks like they have been too busy masking children to bother with international diplomacy and critical defense issues over the last couple of years. No doubt they will pretend this agreement is a surprise.

  5. I would declare New Zealand a Neutral nation, and re-structure the Defence Forces similar to Switzerland, but with a maritime twist.

  6. China is entering a mutually beneficial deal with SI, a sovereign nation. On the contrary, British & Americans clandestinely stole an island nation in the Indian Ocean to establish a military base. Even after winning in the highest court in UK, Queen used her residual powers to set aside the ruling.

    Both US and UK have no land borders to the Indian Ocean right?


  7. Aussie politicians are blaming each other on the SI issue in their election campaigning.
    This clearly shows SI took the right decision. Australians talk about SI for their own selfish interest. For decades, they did little to improve the lives of the islanders. Throwing some dollars from time to time and interventions in their local issues would not improve their lives. A colonial mentality on SI is not going to win their heart.

  8. Robert Patman Spin on ODT

    1. New Zealand to highlight the difference between a ‘‘rules-based’’ approach and a ‘‘might is right’’ approach to global politics. This is exactly what China is telling US, who is the major violator of the rules based approach and a bully of many small countries and regime changer.

    2. ‘‘a clear message on the sort of world we want to live in’’.
    This is simply a colonial thinking and lack of appreciation of cultural diplomacy. We do not live in a unipolar world.

    3. ‘‘A world that respects human rights, the rule of law domestically, the right of democratic self-determination and the rejection of the ‘might is right’ approach to global politics’’.
    Human rights is not a monopoly of US. A simple “Julian Assange” issue to “Iraq” issue show the true colour of US irrespective of whatever propagandised by Patman. You can find these borrowed words of propaganda in many stories of MSM.

    Chinese population highly rate their leaders when compared to Americans rating their presidents. This is the true meaning of democracy. Chinese despise the lack of cultural understanding their system of governance & their past struggles and history. Kevin Rudd showed some understanding of China and Patman does not seem to have any such understanding.

    Patman like “experts” are the same class of “experts” advocating mandatory jabbing.


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