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Friday, September 20, 2024

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‘Blood on its hands’: Father blames Oranga Tamariki for baby son’s unexplained death in North Canterbury

Kevin Chen death news

Michael Steele, the father of 2-month-old Kevin Chen, who died suddenly in Oxford, North Canterbury, is demanding answers from Oranga Tamariki, alleging that the government agency has “blood on its hands.”

Steele had raised significant concerns about his son’s safety and unsuitable living conditions with the child services agency in the weeks leading up to the tragedy.

Despite his warnings and efforts to alert authorities, emergency services were called to the property, and Kevin’s death remains “unexplained” even after a post-mortem examination.

The grieving father, a deep-sea fishing captain, told legacy media his son was in immediate danger and is now questioning why Oranga Tamariki did not intervene to prevent this outcome.

Steele described the past few days as a “living hell” since learning of his son’s sudden death. He shared a series of messages he sent to Oranga Tamariki staff, which outlined his fears for Kevin’s safety and urged immediate action to prevent disaster.

“Kevin is not safe,” said one message to a case worker.

“You will see that for yourself… hopefully before disaster strikes and it will if nothing is done.”

In response, Oranga Tamariki DCE Tamariki and Whānau Services Rachel Leota confirmed they were notified of the death and are assisting the police in their investigation but declined further comment due to the ongoing police-led inquiry.

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  1. This lot don’t have a sterling track record but then its been that way for a long time. Maybe time for a reform and a name change that the majority of people actually understand?

  2. Abolish the politically-motivated government child snatchers, and prosecute their asses!!!
    Most missing kids are under CYFS ‘care’ when they go missing due to being abused by the CYFS / Court-appointed ‘Caregivers’.
    Maybe the NZDF needs to move in and do what the U.S. Marines are doing in the U.S.; rescuing abducted and abused children from the hands of gangsters, government and NGO ‘child welfare organisations’, etc.
    It’s now come to the point where the population of New Zealand is NOT going to tolerate this assault on our children anymore.
    If CYFS comes to your home, demand to see the file.
    If they come with the intent to steal your child in Police presence, then…you’ll know what you need to do to protect your family and children from the clutches of these demonic, satanic, and Masonic-bunch of paedophile criminals.
    You have the right to defend yourself and your family under U.N. Chapter 7 Article 51, which IN THEORY AND IN POSSIBLE PRACTICE over-rides New Zealand Law, since New Zealand signed-on to the U.N. Agreement.
    Be aware that the MoE, MoH and CYFS work in conjunction with each other in order to orchestrate LIES on paper so that they can get a judgement entry / decision to lift a child from a secure and loving home.
    This is especially true with Autistic Children and the Children of White Foreign Immigrants.
    From there, the children are known to be trafficked, abused and sexually violated in some if not many instances.
    The entire system is corrupt, and should have been shut-down years ago.
    The recent ‘Abuse in State Care’ justifies such an abolishment and permanent shut-down of these criminal entities.

    • Well said.

      Many of those children abused in state care were taken unnecessarily from their parents including a boy in my class at school. What was his crime? Stealing other kids lunches. Hardly worthy of sending him to borstal. I never saw him again.

      Disgraceful government agencies.


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