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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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But Wait, There’s More. Is The Coroner’s Decision Evidence of a Cover-Up?

NZDSOS have been able to read the recently released coroner’s report for mother and nurse Divya Simon whose untimely death occurred in Jan 2022.

A spokesperson for New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has concerns after reading the Coroner’s report.

An important piece of information in the coroner’s report that is missing from the NZ Herald newspaper article is that Divya suffered from a dissection of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. This happens when moving blood gets in between the layers of the artery and may lead to its complete rupture.

“In the setting of properly functioning pharmacovigilance, recent vaccination (4 days prior) would usually be considered causal until proven otherwise. Neither the coroner nor pathologist appear to have mentioned or proven any other cause for the dissection, instead referring vaguely to a ‘likely underlying weakness of the coronary arteries’”, said the spokesperson.

The LAD is the blood vessel which supplies a large part of the main pumping chamber of the heart – the left ventricle. Damage to this blood vessel would mean that the downstream part of the heart would be compromised or die (massive acute left ventricular myocardial infarction) and the heart would cease being able to pump blood around the body (acute cardiac failure). “Dissection of such an important artery is a catastrophic medical event”, said the spokesperson.

The full pathologist’s report does not accompany the Coroner’s report so it is impossible to know what the pathologist saw down the microscope when examining the coronary arteries and the heart muscle.

“NZDSOS presumes conditions such as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Marfan’s Syndrome were excluded as a cause of vascular dissection as there is no mention of them. Or perhaps that is something the Cardiac Inherited Disease Group is looking into. Surely, however, the case should not be closed until this is determined as this is a very unusual occurrence in an otherwise healthy 31 year-old woman without any underlying conditions.

According to the Coroner’s report, the pathologist “could find no evidence to suggest that the vaccination was in any way contributing or causative of her death”. “What exactly did the pathologist look for?” questioned the spokesperson.

German pathologist Arne Burkhardt has been doing post-mortem examinations in people who have died following Covid vaccination. He has used staining to demonstrate the presence of vaccine-induced spike protein, often associated with inflammation, in multiple body tissues and organs.

Coroner's court news
Arne Burkhardt discussing post-mortem examinations.

He and his team have specifically noted that dissection of blood vessels due to vasculitis is found in people who have died post Covid vaccination and is often the cause of death.

When the tissue is stained appropriately, it is possible to see a preponderance of spike protein in the vessel walls causing an inflammatory response. This causes a weakening of the blood vessel, leading to swelling (aneurysm), the separating of layers (dissection) or bursting (rupture).

“Even if the pathologist could find no evidence it was the vaccine, in the absence of proof of an alternative cause of dissection of the coronary arteries, it should be determined that the recent medical procedure (Covid booster 4 days prior) was the cause. That is how attribution would usually occur in phase 4 of a clinical trial (post-marketing surveillance)”, said the spokesperson.

It appears the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM), however, is on board with the pathologist, nothing to see here, no connection to the vaccine, another case dismissed.

NZDSOS has been asking since early 2021 how Medsafe’s independent safety monitoring board (ISMB) determines whether a death is due to vaccination or not. “We have received no satisfactory answers and now our questions are ignored. We have no confidence Medsafe or the coronial service is acting in the best interests of New Zealanders”, the spokesperson commented.

Coroner Louella Dunn has determined that there is no need to open an inquiry. “I am satisfied that there are no circumstances relating to this death which make an inquiry necessary or desirable.” She is presumably satisfied that there is nothing for NZ to learn from the death of a healthy 31 year old mother and nurse four days after an experimental medical procedure, and nothing to learn about the state of the NZ ambulance service.

Dr William Makis, a Canadian doctor recording post-vaccination deaths of healthy, working Canadian doctors, has written a commentary on this case also. His experience in Canada is that the deaths of healthcare workers in close proximity to vaccination are being deliberately covered up, more so than those of the general population.

Dr Makis comments, “the state needs doctors and nurses to enthusiastically push Covid-19 vaccines on their patients, and it needs these same doctors and nurses to stay silent about Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths.”

NZDSOS asks “How many other New Zealanders have been fobbed off with such poor quality and superficial coronial reports?”.

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  1. The pathologist’s post mortem report should be available to the family. That report should contain a description of the histological features of tissue taken from various organs at post mortem, including the coronary arteries. The corresponding histological sections will be on file at the pathologist’s place of work and there will probably be corresponding retained tissue in the paraffin blocks, also on file. If it has not already been done immunostaining (for SARS-2 spike protein for example) could be performed on the tissues in an attempt to further characterise the pathology.
    The availability of this file material would allow the family of the deceased to request expert review of the post mortem findings including the histology.
    This would be perfectly proper and lawful in my opinion.
    David B

  2. Late last year my seemingly healthy 53y/o niece died from an infection following surgery. The surgery was required to repair (replace?) an artery that was blocked. Apparently that part of the deal went ok, it was the infection that killed her. My question to the hospital was; what caused the original blockage? No response. I have recently lodged an OIR request seeking any and all information. I smell a rat.


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