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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Carmel Sepuloni becomes Deputy PM

Carmel Sepuloni news

Kelvin Davis will remain Deputy Leader of the Labour Party.

New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins addressed media today in the Beehive following a Labour caucus meeting.

‘Earlier today the Labour Party caucus, the Labour team of MPs unanimously endorsed me as their new leader and as the next Prime Minister of New Zealand.

‘I have been humbled by the support shown by my colleagues but also really excited by the focus and committment I have seen from them to make this a seamless and speedy transition in the best interests of all New Zealanders.

‘This is the biggest privilege and biggest responsibility of my life.

‘I am energised and excited by the challenge that lies ahead. New Zealand is the greatest little country in the world, but I have dedicated my working life to the service of our people and to making it even better.

‘The globe is know facing a new challenge – a pandemic of inflation. New Zealand’s rate of inflation remains below the OECD average but high global inflation is biting into kiwis household budgets.

‘Many people are hurting at the moment but I want them to know that we are on their side.

‘One role that I can announce is who I intend to appoint as my deputy Prime Minister. I am delighted to annonce that I intend to appoint Carmel Sepuloni to that role.

‘Carmel is an outstanding Minister. She has overseen a period where record numbers of New Zealanders have been moving off welfare and into work.

‘As a team we are ready to crack into it, and I intend to hit the ground running.’

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  1. He’s humble and excited, energised and excited, delighted and ready to crack into it and hit the ground running. He sounds like an over-active Pomeranian pup.
    He’s going to do ‘something’ about food prices but has no intention of removing GST of 15% which should never have been applied to food. GST – Introduced in 1986 by Roger Douglas (Labour) immediately and noticeably reduced the standard of living of lower income workers. Hipkins will talk talk talk but nothing will happen.
    People are so relieved that Ardern is gone they would have accepted Mickey Mouse if he said the right things. They seem to have forgotten Hipkins the Covid Enforcer has WEF connections.

  2. We have to give Labour credit though
    Along with all their cohorts
    For giving Pfizer immunity from prosecution
    Diplomatic immunity
    From prosecution against vaccine injuries and deaths
    Follow the money
    Who benefits?
    Nothing to do with health
    But a deliberate deception and fraud

  3. So the labour cult caucus endorsed him as the new leader. Well we have seen the results of the decisions made by those same MPs over the last five years, and the outcome has been less than impressive.
    The only intelligent course of action for Hipkins is to call an early election, stating his cult’s honest intentions for the future and let us make the decision on wheter they are trustworthy.
    In the meantime the country is still looking like a snowball heading downhill to hell.

  4. First a talking horse and now a dwarf. Don’t we have any thing that remotely resembles a leader.

    He was humbled but in truth he was the only idiot stupid enough not to step backwards fast enough when asked to stand in Jacindas hooves

  5. Carmel is married to Daren Kamali who receives Creative New Zealand grants for doing such things as writing poems and cutting off his hair and making a hat from it and touring the country to tell people about it.

    See how this works now? Keep separate names and get your spouse contracts and grants. It works for Mahuta and Genter and most likely many others.

    This is how us taxpayers get fleeced and ripped off.

    I am creative, maybe I will apply for a grant to shave off my leg hair, cut my toenails and make a collage from it? My skins probably the wrong colour and according to some, I don’t have a ‘culture’ so I guess that’s a no goer – what do you think?


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