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Monday, March 10, 2025

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‘Challenging behaviours in New Zealand classrooms at critical levels’ – ERO

School and education news
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New research from the Education Review Office (ERO) has found that disruptive behaviour in New Zealand’s classrooms is worse than other countries, is a rapidly growing problem, and is getting in the way of learning.

‘We know that disruptive classroom behaviour is a significant and persistent issue in New Zealand – over the last 20 years our classroom behaviour has been amongst the worst in the OECD,’ said the ERO in a press statement.

‘But we also know it is getting worse, with over half of teachers saying all types of disruptive behaviour had become worse in the last two years.

‘ERO is extremely concerned that a quarter of principals told us they are seeing students physically harm others, and damage or take property at least every day.

‘Disruptive classroom behaviour is badly impacting students – three-quarters of teachers report disruptive behaviour is impacting on students’ progress and we know students in better behaved classes have higher achievement. It is also preventing schools improving attendance – two-thirds of teachers say it is having a large impact on students’ enjoyment of school, which is key to attendance.

‘We also know that we need to do all we can to prevent and tackle behaviour problems early – students who are stood down, suspended or excluded are at greater risk of not succeeding in education and having worse outcomes as an adult.

‘Disruptive behaviour in our classrooms is also badly affecting teachers across New Zealand. Half of teachers say classroom behaviour has a large impact on their intention to stay in the profession.

‘Teachers aren’t always set up and prepared to manage disruptive behaviour. Less than half of new teachers told us they could manage behaviours in the classroom. And far too often when teachers and principals do seek support and expert advice it is difficult to access.

‘To support schools, ERO has produced an evidence-based good practice guide with practical actions schools can take and which captures the great approaches teachers are already adopting. But schools can’t do this alone, they need support and parents play a key role too.

‘We need a national approach to how we manage behaviour in our schools so our kids can get the best out of their education. We need to increase support for teachers, alongside setting clear expectations from all of us about what good behaviour looks like so we can prevent and respond to this challenge effectively.’

You can read the new report here: Time to Focus: Behaviour in our Classrooms.

Image credit: Element5 Digital

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  1. Not surprised. My neighbours grandchildren are shocking. Never once have I heard any adult tell them to stop screaming or shouting. They spend most of the time inside but you can hear them screaming still. My son said he’s never heard anything so bad. His response was “You would never have allowed us to do that Mum” I think that sums it up don’t you? It’s a poor parenting problem. No boundaries, no consequences, minimal attention, not enough physical activity, crappy food. Put them all together and what do you get.

    Who would want to be a teacher these days.

    • I used to far too regularly get comments on how polite my children were, and in reality all it came down to was a please and thank you.

      How is that not common place????

    • The US is made up of 50 states. Some states tolerate, some don’t.
      The Federal government is a whole other story, not getting much respect nowadays.

    • The problem is that history always repeats, unless you have standards in place to stop this process from constantly happening then history will always repeat.

  2. I live near a school, so I get parents dropping off their kids in the morning and picking up again midafternoon. I hear screams like the children are being physically assaulted or kidnapped. I used to think that something serious was going on until I look out of the window are realize nothing untoward is going on, except a load of unnecessary noise.

    The problem here is that if something serious WAS really going on, nobody would realize because the noise would be the same.

    The article mentions “in the last 2 years”. The vaccine is known to also affect the brain, some say it restricts capillary size, others say it lowers IQ, some say it affects behavior.

    • I wonder if anyone who took the so called vaccine, was really that smart to start with……such an obvious con…………

  3. We moved ours to a private on line college due to the dismal standards of teaching that fail to cater to talented, bright kids and yes disruptive behaviour from those who seemed little interested in education to start with, from what I heard.

    Just like healthcare in NZ if you want a decent education for your child, be prepared to “pay twice”.

    • Good call. My kids have all left home but in hindsight I wish I had homeschooled them. Just couldn’t afford to have one income unfortunately. You can see why Rockefellers funded the women’s lib movement can’t you? Make mums too busy to be there for their kids so they can indoctrinate them through the school system.

      I worked from home self employed to try and give my kids the benefit of having me around. They all turned out fine (the older one is a bit woke though unfortunately. A good person with a good job but completely brainwashed and lives in the Wellington echo chamber so not likely to improve lol)

      • Thanks.No its not a cheap option but ours is very very bright so we want to give them the best on offer. We also work from home, funnily enough and yes its great to spend more time with them, even if they can be ratbags at times.

        PS: I wouldn’t worry too much about the woke thing, the young can be idealistic but time and experience see’s them mature….

  4. This problem has been a problem for a long time, the question is why couldn’t the ERO say anything about it in the last 6 years?

  5. There is a book out titled ‘Swimming in the Cesspool’ by Greg Smith.
    He was an American teacher who worked at Dannevirke High School and suffered abuse at many levels, assaults, and threats to his life.
    His book is available and still in print.
    It paints a damning picture of what REALLY goes on in New Zealand Secondary Education.
    Since the Anti-Smacking Law was passed (thank the Green Party for that debacle), we too have noticed those children who were toddlers when the law was passed are now doing ram raids, hit & runs on dairies, the usual gamut of gang-related activities.
    So, it’s now noted that;
    1. abolishing the smack;
    2. no father in the home, or mum working 2-3 jobs and is never home anyway (no fault of mum’s);
    3. no manners, ethics or methods of negotiation or compromise are taught at any level;
    4. drugs and booze infiltrating the home;
    5. gangs replacing mainstream society for those who are dispossessed or displaced;
    6. constant financial shortfalls leading to unaffordable food, medical care and clothing / bedding;
    Now that brain-destroying vaccines have entered the picture, and financial collapse / depression are now underway with the threat of nuclear war, we can only prep ourselves as best we can and have a plan to defend ourselves and our families from the orchestrated ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ as seen on Kensington Avenue videos.


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