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Chief Ombudsman slams Oranga Tamariki for failing to investigate child abuse reports

Oranga Tamariki news
Stock photo.

Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has issued severe criticism of Oranga Tamariki for repeatedly failing to investigate reports of abuse and violence against young children.

Boshier revealed that the agency received nine reports of concern from family members and professionals about the treatment of children in a household between January 2022 and July 2023 but failed to conduct thorough investigations.

Despite having photographic evidence and corroborative reports, the agency neglected to take necessary action, putting the children at serious risk. These failures resulted in incidents of attempted and actual kidnapping involving the children.

Boshier described a “series of failures” by Oranga Tamariki, including prematurely closing complaints, providing inaccurate information to the Family Court, and disregarding its own safety protocols.

Boshier criticised the agency’s ineffective safety plans, which placed inappropriate responsibility on the children themselves.

Despite Oranga Tamariki’s efforts to improve after Boshier’s investigation, follow-up inquiries revealed continued shortcomings.

Boshier concluded that the agency acted unreasonably and unlawfully in its handling of the reports, issuing recommendations that the agency has accepted, including a full reassessment of the children’s safety, staff training, policy changes, and an apology with financial compensation for the complainant.

Image credit: Getty Images

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  1. Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has so far failed to issue severe criticism of the COLLUSION between Oranga Tamariki, police and family courts, a mafia that abuses children since decades.
    The system is full of codependent, harmed, traumatized and battered individuals, often full of hate and prejudice against fathers. Such people should not be in positions where they systematically live out their neurotic mission.
    New Zealand’s children need no psychopaths hijacking their family life.
    Each systemically abused child will be another Brick In The Wall.


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