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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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‘Coding error’ results in 30% under-reporting of COVID hospitalisations, say MOH

In a Tweet this afternoon the Ministry of Health claimed the number of hospital cases for COVID should have been recorded as 19,476, and not 14,043.

The amended number reflects the total number of hospital cases since ‘the beginning of the pandemic’ to midnight 16 October 2022. The difference was apparently due to ‘a coding error’, but this had no ‘impact on the Ministry’s advice, or decisions about COVID-19 settings…’


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    • Agreed….lies and more lies now we are seeing an attempt at covering up. I will not forget what this Government has done (is doing), I will not forgive those who have deceived Kiwi’s, those sitting in Parliament, those high ranking Police and the Medical professionals who are proving complicit in the pandemic/”vaccine” deception are on thin ice. The people of NZ will see justice, it is a matter of time. Hang in there team, the tide is turning.

  1. Ministry of sickness. What actual health advice do they or have they, ever given?

    Got type 2 diabetes? Here take this pill…..and this pill…….rinse and repeat

  2. Ah yes, the good old coding error. An excellent tool and euphemism for “we made a cock up, we know who did it, but we’re not telling anyone.”

  3. Fear has to be spread. All the fake modellers are now claiming that a new wave is coming and also say it is hard to predict. Fukwits. It is like giving witness at Court and then claiming that the witness has a disorder of mixing up dreams with real life.

  4. This is a cunning plot. Covid-19 Epidemic Preparedness Notice, which allows it to make Covid-19 rules, expires soon and JabSinDa wants it to be extended. So all the fake experts and liars started making false flags in order manufacture public consent.

  5. How many of these 30% were vaccinated? And what does this do to overall vaccine effectiveness? Effectiveness still a positive number after this correction or does that now require more data manipulation again?

  6. Ewwww yuck!!! The ministry of stealth next to the government is the most creepy and disgusting department nz has. Not reknown for it’s mathematical and statistical skills, more reknown for its barefaced lies, they excell in misinformation and their unrelenting push to deliberately harm the nz people is a clear indication that they are all unhinged. Threats are also a big tool in their toolbox. But we are not stupid nothing they spew out is ever backed up by evidence. Monumental cowards!!!! Coding error ???????????????? I remember when it used to be called cooking the books. They are fantastic at hide and seek. No debates that’s their motto ( lest they get found out) Truly one of the most evil filled departments to exist and truly the most mentally disturbed creatures that make up THE NZ MINISTERY OF STEALTH are pretending to make decisions for our good. They are dangerous to our health and well-being and clearly that’s okay with them. Like I said….. CREEPY!!!!


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