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Coster claims police response to 2022 Parliament Protest was ‘measured, professional, balanced’

Parliament Protest 2022 news
Image – DTNZ Collection.

In an interview with Jake Tame on Q+A, outgoing Police Commissioner Andrew Coster reflected on the highly charged 2022 anti-mandate protests that shook New Zealand’s Parliament, admitting it was one of the few times in his career that kept him awake at night.

The 23-day occupation ended in violence, with clashes between police and protesters amid fires on the Parliamentary green.

The toll was not only physical, with officers suffering injuries such as torn tendons and dislocations, but also emotional. More than a third of the police staff involved in the riots were referred to support services to help process the “mental strain” of the experience.

“I would wake up at 4 a.m., mind racing,” Coster told Tame. He emphasized the weight of responsibility in his role during such a pressurized situation. “Only Police, the commissioner, will carry the responsibility for the way that situation is managed.”

“…when we brought response to resolve it with force, it was the most measured, professional, balanced approach you would see anywhere in the world.”

Coster stood by the approach the police employed. “If we had charged in there at the start, guns blazing, we would still be managing the fallout of that in our communities today,” he explained.

A review by the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) found six instances of excessive force used by police during the protests. While Coster acknowledged these findings, he maintained that the police only escalated their response “when necessary”, adding that their approach brought about “the safest resolution that could have been achieved.”

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  1. We see and saw the lies Coster.
    You dehumanized the protestors in the public eye before using force. You could have put the onus on the politicians discriminating against a minority of the population to go out and talk to them before you would move them on. But you went jackboot.

    Only problem for you is, only your closest supporters believe your s***. The Police can GFT until there is an apology.

    • Andrew Coster, the NZ police psychopath, admits his insanity keeps him awake at night.
      Mate, you better be awake during the day too and watch your back. New Zealanders had enough of c@#!$ like you.

  2. Fascinated, but predictable, that all perpetrators of the COVID scandemic categorically refuse to accept ANY self reflection, any self analysis or indeed any form of impartial critique. Period. They have all sold themselves to the Devil

    • …”refuse to accept ANY self-reflection…”
      That is what psychopaths do, along with sociopaths operating under delusions of grandeur…!

  3. He’s a bullls***tter, he’s gaslighting the public like so many who have been elected and have their noses in the trough of the public coffers.
    I hope karma gets him and all the others, especially the phoney dames and knights, total tossers who lie to the public for their own benefit.

  4. And not a single mp on both sides of the house had the courage to converse with their voters protesting. Comrade ( the kind one) Ardern , unleashed her Stasi to beat the living shit out of those simply wishing to be heard. As it turned out , the protestors were right to fight the mandate.

    • Well said. Just finishing the book Freedom Village by Sue Grey and Alan Simmons. They did a fantastic job – really recommend the book.

    • Absolutely… and now when ever I see a cop, I no longer feel safe… I feel threatened… know that this will never be forgotten MPs and Coster…NEVER and like I read somewhere, the Angel of Karma, never misses a beat, NEVER… I hope costner, you c…t, you never ever get a night’s peaceful sleep for the rest of your days on this earth….NEVER… you and Ardern and every PM that sat in that house during that time…

  5. coster is a narcissistic bully, you should be procecuted for abuse against the people you should have been protecting! Petty and pathetic – I’m sure it’s illegal to impersonate a p’liceman which I’m sure all those city council workers dressed as p’lice beating those who pay their wages! Beating innocent women, men and children – karma is a bitch coster

  6. “If we had charged in there at the start, guns blazing, we would still be managing the fallout of that in our communities today,” he explained.

    This guy is so out of touch if he thinks there’s no fallout today. A brutal attack on fellow kiwis and a deeply dark time in NZ history. This should still be keeping him awake at 4 am.

    • Is his husband keeping him awake?
      Are his kids revolting because they too are ‘apples from the tree’?
      Do his ‘friends’ leave him in his destitute ‘self’?
      Are former accomplices turn against him?
      Coster, just go and do the right thing!

  7. Coster is a narcissistic liar! I’m sure it’s illegal to impersonate a p’liceman as many city council workers did, beating women men and children absolutely disgusting behavior by both p’lice and parliament – yup karma is a bitch

  8. September 26 2024 From Stats NZ on D.T.

  9. For all of us that watched it live there was nothing calm and measured about it, did he ever investigate the trouble makers that turned up on the last day, the masked ones or were they in his gang?

    • Yes I watched it live. It was unbelievable. The police were thugs. Dragging people down who were peacefully standing with their backs to the police. Never seen anything so disgusting. Then that poor young man had his head knelt on. That picture will forever be carved in my mind. Should have been front pages news but no our corrupt media didn’t report the truth. The corrupt old media can get stuffed. I read daily telegraph NZ for my news. Thanks DTNZ.

      • I rejoice when I read about the demise of the legacy media. “Mayday Mayday we’re going down”.
        Tame, for once a proper name for a ‘journalist’ who interviews like Minnie Mouse. Nobody asks the right questions because if they did, they would never do another interview. The whole NZ on Air and the NZ media is nothing that We The People find informative and useful. Get lost!

      • Yes I followed the protest live too and many thanks to Counterspin Media for the coverage. What I saw was a peaceful community of like minded citizens building up around a shared cause and being daily harassed by Ardern’s thugs and shunned by our elected representatives, who refused to meet them.

        The final day when Coster brought in black clad masked agents provocateurs to wreak their havoc was, to my mind, a day of shame which signalled the beginning of the end of New Zealand. It hasn’t improved either. Our once fine country is sliding down the drain at an ever increasing rate – despite the illusion of a ‘change of government’, which in reality is changing nothing at all at a level which matters.

        Coster, rot in Hell, you totalitarian POS.

    • Possibly because the NZ MSM are a bunch of inoctinated woke cretins.

      Useful idiots who will never in a million years realise that they’ve been entirely duped.

      It’s all very very sad really, but there it is.

  10. What else could he say in defending himself and his actions?
    Kelvyn Alp COUNTERSPIN said there were a lot of other more suitable people who were ‘passed-over’ in selecting the Commissioner of Police
    Obviously Coster had some sort of sway in this Judgement

  11. Crikey. Oh dear. How embarrassing.

    Coster is literally a fascist retard as it’s turned out.

    Oh well takes all sorts, I suppose.

  12. I genuinely do wonder if our beloved low IQ indoctrinated paramilitary cops feel anything at all.

    I’m guessing probably not.

    ‘Just doing my job’…

    • Absolutely… and now when ever I see a cop, I no longer feel safe… I feel threatened… know that this will never be forgotten MPs and Coster…NEVER and like I read somewhere, the Angel of Karma, never misses a beat, NEVER… I hope costner, you c…t, you never ever get a night’s peaceful sleep for the rest of your days on this earth….NEVER… you and Ardern and every PM that sat in that house during that time…

  13. Sheesh. I wouldn’t want to be Andrew Coster.

    Living the rest of your life looking over your shoulder in fear of retribution won’t be too much fun.

    Kiwis won’t ever forget or forgive this nasty b*stard tyrant.

  14. That comment Coster and the Popo response to the people of New Zealand wanting to discuss human rights with the politicians at the protest in Wellington shows exactly who the Police are acting on behalf of. The Police are acting to protect the Politicians who are manipulated by offshore powers that do not have the people of New Zealands best interests at heart. I call treason and Coster is willingly involved. You think we have forgotten, no we are waiting for arrests. Coster, Adern, Hopkins, Robertson and hundreds more who intentionally damaged our nation. No mercy

    • We should put Coster, Adern, Bloomfield, Robertson, Wiles, Hippi, …actually everybody in the Waspnest….all on one little rat island.
      It’d be THE reality show.
      I’d even pay to see that sh*t.
      Shall we take bets who’s carking out first?

  15. Coster is clearly a very silly N*zi scumbag.

    It won’t work out too well for Coster & Co in the long run, it never does.

    The bloke has permanently pissed in his own chips.

  16. In my estimation, cruel, disproportionate and an affront to peaceful protest, as allowed under a democracy (that’s on so called Labour)….

    They are still harassing people too, over so called hate speech that does not exist in law here……

    Detest what they have come to stand for…

    • They bought off and stole the identities of Muslims who had died a natural death and used those names for those who were supposedly killed in a Mosque attack
      Follow the money

      • Really? Hmmm you made me think. I have lots of questions about that. I saw some stuff before it was all removed and yeah just looked weird. Had me questioning right from the start, especially how he got the license etc.

      • That makes sense it’s how people talked of the football hero who was supposedly killed, and the man’s wife who supposedly took a bullet. He exclaimed in front of the cameras how he loved the shooter. Seriously? As usual all these things seem too unrealistic to be true. And Tarantino, I mean Tarrant’s name was fake. We weren’t allowed to say it ’cause it was fake.

  17. Reading through the comments here, I’m sensing that there’s a certain amount of criticism about his performance and not everybody has a positive view of the man. I could be wrong of course, but…..


  18. Robocop’s a time travelling man… with a brand new taser in his hand
    those baby blue & x-ray eyes? …. recording everything, no surprise.
    The circle of life’s a corrupt old thing … as to the table doth he bring
    a filled roll and some vegan pies ….. served with violence, busts and fries.
    ‘Democracy’s been dead a while, … killed with ‘kindness’ and a smile,
    those uniforms from trader Joe’s? ….all gone, no evidence to show
    how this team of chipped & hardened runts were deployed by world ‘health”s uber-c***s…
    & Mallard, sticking to tradition…. “what would one do in my position?
    huh? mental health? oh, do no harm….I’m off to build a data farm.
    (in County Cork )”……do share this rhyme …I waive the copyright this time…
    ‘cos everything I thought was true, well…..through the prism, red is blue
    (can’t find a decent rhyme for Little)

    • Try a little spittle, brutal? it’s alliteration and it’s worth the instagation.
      I think all these people will all suffer stagnation.
      Rotting in hell with a most vile smell.

  19. Since that day, the police attacked assaulted, peaceful mums, dads and elderly protesters, I no longer have any respect for them. That assult was not messured. If the police ask me for information or to help them with an inquiry, i will not. I have been on a jury but i could not trust police evidence. It was a not guilty from me. A generation of police distrusters created by lier Coster. I tell people far and wide to do the same.

    Hope you are reading this Coster.


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