While it’s good news that the new government has belatedly announced a wider inquiry into the Covid NZ response, it still falls short says the NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party (OFP).
“When the COVID response was supposed to be about protecting health, why does the inquiry exclude the safety and harm caused by the Pfizer shots?” asks co-leader Sue Grey.
‘The NZ government response to COVID cut across human rights and good process with at times tyrannical overnight law changes. It was heavily dependent on the novel mRNA jabs, with coercion for everyone to receive them, even before safety trials were complete and when NZ regulator Medsafe had given only provisional consent.
‘”Breakthrough infections” quickly made obvious that the hastily rolled out mRNA jabs fell far short of Pfizer’s promises. They did not stop infection, transmission, hospitalisation, reinfection or death.’
In June 2021, early in the rollout, we had the first NZ PfizerVax death from myocarditis, said OFP in a press release today.
‘This was acknowledged by NZ experts- including Michael Tatley who runs the CARM register in a scientific report written for international publication. Yet New Zealanders continued to be told it is “Safe and Effective”.
‘Many more cases of post mRNA jab “spike protein injury” followed, including myocarditis, pericarditis, clots, bleeding and an array of other serious vax injuries.
‘The Coroner acknowledged the jab caused the death of Rory Nairn in November 2021. ACC has received and accepted thousands of claims. Many more are still being processed and reviewed.
‘Our Board member Aly Cook has a petition before Parliament with almost 25,000 signatures seeking an inquiry into vaccine injuries, currently in the select committee process.
As part of Cook’s research into the evidence for her petition, recent OIAs showed Medsafe reported over 20,588 serious Vax injury reports between November 2022 and December 2023, including 9 deaths (OIA H2023033888).
There was one incidence of a serious reaction in every 158 persons vaccinated, said Cook – ‘serious’ defined as an emergency room visit or hospitalisation. Adverse reactions were also clustered around particular lots of the mRNA gene therapy, ranging from 1 in every 215 to 1 in every 136 doses given.

‘With those figures and given the number of medical staff including doctors who were mandated out of the health system with the extra burden of vaccine injury it is no wonder our health system is in a crisis,’ said Cook.
‘At what point does medsafe step in and stop the use of this injection .. 1 in 100 … 1 in 50? and one asks what are the long-term effects on those people’s health. For my son it’s been multiple visits to A & E, some in ambulances and it’s still going on two years later, with him at 27 years of age living his life on anti-inflammatory medication, just to keep him out of hospital with chronic ongoing pericarditis from the vaccine.
‘The whole situation reminds me much of the Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson where no one wanted to admit the emperor was naked even though it was obvious.
‘It is obvious these injections have hurt thousands of New Zealanders yet the government wants to exclude ‘VACCINE SAFETY’ from the Covid 19 Royal Commission terms of reference.
‘Vaccine safety must be in the term of reference expansion, if not then there must be a seperate Royal commission into the vaccine as I have called for in my petition.’
‘Sudden unexplained deaths have become the new pandemic – in New Zealand and other heavily vaxxed countries.
‘The new government must listen. They must extend the terms of reference to cover widely held concerns about the safety of the jab.
‘They must also explain the reasons for this blatant omission and who and what is blocking a full inquiry into the safety or otherwise of the mRNA jabs that the Ardern government chose as our primary COVID response.
‘Public confidence can only be restored with transparency and accountability.
‘This starts with robust terms reference that cover all matters of public interest to New Zealanders.’
Image credit: Unsplash+
The enquiry must also investigate the bullying and coercion of health professionals that ensured Kiwis did not have the ability to give informed consent.
It was all from the MoH. Before I was terminated from an admin position I registered to be part of the team giving the vaccination to see what was going on. The emails I received about how to listen with respect and then to give the government line was sickening. It was evolving daily on how to coerce people. Obviously I eventually lost all contact with them when my last day came about in November 2021.
So glad to of left those idiots in the referral department with their whispering and dirty looks because I dared to put two fingers up and walk away.
Good on you !
The top three on my list are:
1. Jab safety
2. Jab safety
3. Jab safety
If there is no inquiry into the vaccines safety, this country will have been totally let down again.
I hope you are well aware of this fact Winston. If you let the inquiry be a limited hangout, you will risk being as detested as Jacinda, by the people who trusted you with their vote.
Do the right thing
What I care about is the coercion that ensured that people could not work or go out to some places if not vaccinated. Entirely fascist behavior. Let’s see if that is addressed.
Also let’s not forget the MIQ debacle.
Ordinary New Zealanders locked out of the country whilst ‘celebrities’ such as The Wiggles, sports stars and DJs could come and go freely.
“20,588 serious Vax injury reports between November 2022 and December 2023, including 9 deaths”
It will be interesting to learn Ashley Bloomfield’s and the MoH’s definitions of ‘safe’ and ‘rare’.
They simply refer to their special government issued inverse dictionary.
Up means down and north means south. See, simple once you know how.