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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Emergency declared in East Coast as torrential rain forces evacuations and flooding

A state of emergency has been declared in Wairoa, Haumoana, and Heretaunga due to heavy rains, resulting in the evacuation of 200 homes overnight.

The deluge has caused the Waipaoa and Wairoa Rivers to surge past danger levels, prompting widespread flood warnings and emergency mobile alerts.

Roads, including State Highway 35, have been closed due to flooding and slips.

Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery Mark Mitchell visited the affected areas, reporting over 200mm of rain in some places within 24 hours and noting the added challenge of a six-metre swell.

The government has announced a $300,000 contribution to Mayoral Relief Funds to assist the affected communities.

The storm has left parts of the East Coast, including Tairāwhiti, with flooding and power outages.

Mitchell told media there was an urgent need of support to Wairoa, where flooding from a swollen river led to further evacuations and the shutdown of the town’s substations.

Heavy rain warnings are still in place and more rain is expected.

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    • How else do you expect the government to swoop in and declare the area uninhabitable so that they can evict everyone and buyback the land for pennies on the dollar. You know… to “help”.

  1. How many local “foil hatters” witnessed “contrails” this week?
    When will this climate fraud end?
    The milky skies and the scalar clouds are as obvious as the sunken eyes and grey skin of the multijabbed.
    At what point can the police corporation be considered to be aiding and abetting pre meditated mass murder?
    I believe this day passed long ago.

    • Exactly. It’s been so bad this week. I have taken multiple photos of weird clouds. Those F’king ar$eholes who are doing this.

      Some random guy said to my husband this week about how bad the cloud seeding has been lately – lots of people do see it. It’s not just us nutty tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.

      What I can’t fathom is how the paid off people who are doing this to us live with themselves. Evil.

      As for Wairoa, unfortunately if you look at the satellite map you will see that the houses are situated right where the natural place for where a meandering river will breach its banks to cut a straighter path. Nothing will stop this. Basic geography and the town should never have been put there. BUT the cloud seeding isn’t helping for sure.

    • I too have noticed grey skin and sunken eyes…..and then there’s the multiple couples dying with days of each other of cancer……obviously got the same batch on the same day. Just tragic.

      I have never regretted not having it.

  2. Heaps of chemtrails over Chch lately, heavy rain has followed and more rain to come next week, and possibly snow.
    They want to destroy crops as well as homes and lives.
    The ground here is really saturated now and can’t take any more water from the sky.

    What good is a National govt if this sabotage of our country is still going on?
    Labour and Nats, two cheeks of the same arse…


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