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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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End mandates to help fix health sector staff shortages – Nurses For Freedom NZ

Health mandates news

Nurses for Freedom New Zealand (NFFNZ) acknowledges the need for more nurses in New Zealand to support a failing health system, and welcomes Minister Woods ‘straight-to-residence pathway’ for overseas Registered Nurses.

Caution is urged however says NFFNZ Founder Deborah Cunliffe “An analogy would be New Zealand roads, quick fixes never achieve the desired outcome and can lead to more complex issues long term.”

New Zealand’s current nursing deficit is unclear however, a report by NZNO in July indicates a shortfall of 4,000 nurses nationwide. This number, assessed prior to COVID, has been further exacerbated by termination of over 1500 public health care workers to include 621 nurses; more nurses have since been stood down, resigned or terminated due to booster requirements or ill-health.

NFFNZ challenges the government and Te Whatu Ora to consider more cost effective new zealand-based solutions to support our failing health system and face the elephant in the room.

“Bringing nurses from other countries and cultures will tick some boxes” says Deborah Cunliffe but does not replace the thousands of years of New Zealand experience our membership represents.

“Whilst we welcome this decision there is a simple solution. Reinstate the hundreds of nurses, carers, doctors, midwives, lead maternity carers, paramedics, administrative and allied health roles terminated due to vaccine mandates. Give us our jobs back!”

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  1. Don’t hold your breath.

    They don’t care about NZ doctors or nurses. They mandated and fired you all for a reason.

    They only care about the great replacement, which they swear is a conspiracy theory but is strangely all over their most prominent websites.

  2. This labour cult should reinstate all those stood down due to mandates, including helalth workers, police, service personel and others affected by the illegal mandates and reimburse them for any loss of income or financial hardship caused by this totalitarian regime. It has been proved that the experimental vaccine neither prevented infection or transmission. It has also been proved that it was neither safe or effective. The government should resign enmasse as they have proved to be neither safe or competent.

  3. My relative received two Covid vaccines and caught Covid. He received a booster vaccine and yesterday he is again positive for Covid.
    I am Immunocompromised (not anti vaccine) and have had no Covid vaccines and have escaped catching Covid to date. I do wear a mask in enclosed public spaces and don’t mind (albeit receive strange stares at times) in order to protect myself, my family and others.
    Time this Govt did their homework around vaccine efficacy and booster upon booster. Next we will have a large portion of our population suffering the effects of Hyperimmunisation and Hypersensitivity reactions.
    Time for Minister Little to apply some common sense regarding these vaccine requirements for Healthcare staff and enable ‘all staff who are willing’ to return to their careers. This situation has now become a National disgrace!

  4. Hi there daily telegraph- I just read Dr Robert Malone say they are doing tests with mRNA vaccines on animals in NEW ZEALAND!

    Can we please get this information out? Who is doing this testing and where? Sorry I am not a journalist so have no idea where to look.

    This is deeply concerning. If these evil people have their way, our whole food chain will be contaminated with this crap.

  5. Hey anon👋 I was watching sky news Australia a couple of months ago and they were injecting their stock also. They say that they had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease. Seeing as we have had a trial run for mbovis in this country I believe that they will use that excuse to jab our animals. That’s all I know sorry. But yes I agree it’s very concerning.

  6. Yes, reinstate those whose employment was terminated for saying ‘no’ to mRNA injection. Some will not want to return but those that do should be made very welcome.


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