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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Ex-French soldier requests asylum in Russia – media

Adrien Bocquet news

Adrien Bocquet previously claimed to have witnessed Ukrainian war crimes and to have survived an assassination attempt by Kiev in Istanbul.

Former French military serviceman Adrien Bocquet has requested asylum in Russia, RIA Novosti news agency reported on Wednesday, citing an unnamed “source familiar with the situation.” He had previously repeatedly traveled to Ukraine and Donbass and claimed that he had witnessed war crimes committed by the Ukrainian forces.

“A former French serviceman, Adrien Bocquet, has approached the Russian authorities and asked them to grant him political asylum,” the source told RIA, adding that the asylum application was supposedly filed in mid-December. The Russian authorities have so far not commented on the development.

Bocquet first traveled to Ukraine as a volunteer delivering humanitarian aid last spring. At the time, he reportedly visited Lviv and Kiev, as well as its suburbs, including Bucha. Kiev accused the Russian forces of committing mass killings of civilians in Bucha, which the Russian troops withdrew from in late March. Moscow has repeatedly denied all of the accusations.

After returning to France in May, Bocquet gave an interview to French Sud Radio, in which he claimed to have witnessed the abuse of Russian POWs at the hands of Ukrainian soldiers. The Frenchman accused the Ukrainian soldiers of torturing and killing civilians and claimed the French media was concealing this. He also said that he himself was detained by the Ukrainian soldiers for ten hours.

Last summer, he began traveling to the Donbass regions controlled by Russian forces and local militias while publishing reports on the situation on the ground on his Telegram channel. There, he wrote that weapons such as Caesar howitzers, which France supplies to Ukraine, end up injuring civilians in Donbass.

In October, Bocquet claimed he was attacked by “militants” linked to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) in Istanbul. He also published a photo of himself lying in bed with visible injuries to his face and one hand. The next day, France’s Foreign Ministry published a statement in which it said it had “no information” on the incident.

Bocquet has not commented on his reported asylum application so far.

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Source:RT News

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  1. ALL service members who are in a similar situation should also apply for asylum in Russia, at the embassies nearby.
    They will be needed as witnesses for the War Crimes Trials that are now and have been revealed by the alternative media such as Hal Turner (Ukrainian soldier boiling the head of a deceased Russian Serviceman), Patrick Lancaster (revealing that Ukraine has shelled, mortared, and snipes at ethnic Russian civilians in the Donbass for 8 years resulting in 14,000 ethnic Russian civilians murdered), and John Mark Dugan (former Palm Beach County Deputy Sheriff who revealed the on-going corruption in Palm Beach County, and who fled for his life to Russia where he too has received asylum).
    I look forward to the Aussie Cossack, Mrs. Cossack, Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom being granted asylum in Russia, and then working with Ed Snowden to continue revealing truths that the evil Satanic ‘West’ (under Tel Aviv’s control in all things…!) continues to lie about!
    I hope that President Putin welcomes all who have been prosecuted, persecuted and harassed by the ‘Western Authorities’ and Israel for revealing the truth on what is really going on!

  2. read ” The trigger” by David Icke.
    An eye opener. And not a ” complotist” as he is pictured by governments ( EU) that want to shut him up.


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