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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Fauci tried to whitewash Lab Origins evidence – legacy media

The front page story in yesterday’s ‘Weekend Australian’ claims Dr. Anthony Fauci was motivated by a need to protect himself from ‘reputational damage’.

The article, behind a paywall on The Australian website titled ‘Covid cover-up: How science was silenced’, claims top scientists, including Fauci, knew early on that COVID-19 originated in a laboratory – specifically a Wuhan laboratory which was funded by Fauci. Despite knowing this he maintained publicly the virus had originated in nature.

According to the article, which is based on an exclusive interview with Robert Kadlec the former assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the US Department of Health, Fauci tried to ‘downplay’ the Lab Origins theory to ‘protect his reputation and deflect from the risky coronavirus research his agency had funded.’

Kadlec told The Weekend Australian that ‘vaccine research resulted in the pandemic… vaccine research was the proximate cause [of the pandemic]’.

With the support of Fauci, articles attacking lab origin theories as ‘conspiracy theories’ were published in major scientific journals and legacy media, including an influential opinion piece disguised as a ‘peer-reviewed’ study in the Nature Medicine journal.

The Australian article did not state whether the lab leak was accidental or deliberate. If it was the latter, this would support the theory the virus was a ‘bioweapon’.

But some researchers claim the vaccine was in fact the bioweapon. This argument was recently advanced by Dr. Judy Mukovits, a vocal opponent of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ who has been repeatedly attacked by mainstream science and media as a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

‘It was the shot that caused the deaths we are seeing now’ she told London Real.

‘I never believed they would create a bioweapon and inject the deadliest spike protein of all time, when every bit of our work for 40 years said you don’t need infectious virus to create disease since 1980.’

‘We knew the spike, the envelope, the surface unit alone of these viruses was the deadly component. So, they cloned the deadly part of the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1918 pandemic strain of influenza A. This was never about SARSCoV2 which had been injected in every polio vaccine since 2005.

‘For me it’s horrific and it won’t stop until we the people make sure it never happens again.’

Dr. Fauci was director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the US president from 2021 to 2022. He was the ‘face of the pandemic’ for millions of people around the world, and became known as ‘America’s Doctor’.

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  1. a vial of mass destruction ? Remember mr Collin Powell.
    Mr Fauci is in the same US vein.
    A liar and a murderer
    True product of the USA, genocidal and warmongering country.
    In guns we trust or any other means to destroy humanity .

    • As in EVERY case throughout history, it’s not the people, it’s the leadership. We Americans just wanna work, raise our kids, throw shrimp on the bar b. We want nothing to do with this, we bleed too ya’ know.

      • Yes harry jensen, i know. When i say the USA, i don t mean any ordinary people. They are just as we all are, ignorants, misinformed and manipulated by the media. Glad i found DTNZ .
        But the top of US are evil.
        I read a while ago “the trigger” by david icke. Because he was barred from travelling in europe. I knew nothing about the guy, so i bought this book. First i thought it was perhaps exagerated. But seeing what is happening now, i don t think he is a ” complotist’ as so many says he is.
        And what he says in some ways, happened already in russia at the beginning of the 20th century through the same people. It is Jews who first implemented communism in russia. The same is now happening in the USA and WEF project. Jews have seemingly obtained key functions within US government and are at the core of US policy.
        I reserve my opinion untill i have read ” 200 years together” by solzenitsyn who wrote about jews and russia. Just ordered through amazon


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