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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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FEMA’s Hurricane Helene response slammed for delays, poor communication and mismanagement

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) response to the recent Asheville, NC disaster has come under fire, with prominent broadcaster Glenn beck exposing critical shortcomings that paint a picture of incompetence and inefficiency.

Beck’s firsthand experience with the agency revealed a litany of issues, starting with FEMA crews stationed off the main road, making them nearly impossible to find. Worse still, FEMA admitted they had arrived only the previous day—over a week late—while residents struggled without aid.

In a further display of disorganisation, FEMA promoted their mobile app for assistance, but the region had no internet access. When Beck questioned how residents were supposed to find FEMA’s location, the response was, “That would be the news media’s job.” Yet, in a tragic irony, nobody had functioning televisions to receive such updates. FEMA also suggested listening to the radio for information, overlooking the fact that many residents had lost their cars in the flood.

Beck pressed for answers on when FEMA would begin its much-needed door-to-door checks. One crew member deferred, saying, “That’s way above my head,” passing the responsibility to a superior who ultimately admitted, “We don’t necessarily go door to door.”

Critics, including Elon Musk, have voiced alarm not only at FEMA’s failure to assist but at reports of obstruction. Musk claimed that FEMA is “actively blocking citizens who try to help,” citing a message from a SpaceX engineer on the ground. The engineer accused FEMA of seizing shipments and goods provided by local volunteers, asserting control over relief efforts to the detriment of those in need.

These revelations raise serious concerns about FEMA’s role in disaster recovery, with many questioning whether the agency is equipped—or even willing—to provide the support it promises.

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  1. The most horrifying sentence in the English language according to Ronald Reagan is “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

  2. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt by using words like “incompetence”. It’s 100% deliberate.

    They are evil.

  3. It’s all over various social media platforms that the government (FEMA, Police in some cases) is actively blocking aid. A private pilot was threatened with arrest for rescuing people. FEMA has blocked or seized aid. People are walking around areas where FEMA are in order to avoid them so that they can deliver aid. Some sheriffs have told citizens to arrest anybody, including FEMA, if they try to obstruct aid deliveries. That’s how bad it is.

    It is less that 2 weeks left before early voting, at least in the hurricane hit areas, and people are speculating that the government does not want people ‘on their feet’ again because the government does not want them voting: The areas are rural for the most part and strong Trump supporters. So, the government would rather people die than vote for Trump.

    In short, it is not incompetence, it is malice.


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