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France blames Azerbaijan for fueling New Caledonia unrest, bans Tiktok

New Caledonia protests news
Image – OpenStreetMap.org.

New Caledonia is experiencing widespread civil unrest following protests against proposed constitutional amendments.

Five people are now believed to have died, including two French gendarmes.

In response, French authorities have placed presumed ringleaders under home detention and banned TikTok.

The captial Nouméa remains the centre of the unrest with thousands of rioters.

Shops are closed, homes burnt, and the international airport is shut down except for military flights.

The community is facing food shortages, and hospitals are calling for blood donations.

The French government is increasing its security presence and targeting a group linked to the pro-independence FLNKS movement. The unrest is the worst seen since the 1980s.

France blames Azerbaijan

Meanwhile French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has implicated Azerbaijan in the recent violent protests in New Caledonia, suggesting the ex-Soviet republic has played a significant role in the unrest.

The protests erupted over proposed constitutional reforms aimed at granting voting rights to French residents who have lived in New Caledonia for ten years. This proposal has ignited fears among the indigenous Kanak people, who constitute 40% of the population, that their political influence could be undermined.

When questioned about possible foreign interference from Azerbaijan, China, or Russia, Darmanin specifically accused Azerbaijan. He claimed that some New Caledonian separatists had struck a deal with Baku, stating, “It’s not a fantasy, it’s a reality.”

Despite being located approximately 14,000 kilometers from New Caledonia, Azerbaijan’s parliament recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with New Caledonia’s congress, recognising the right to self-determination for the local population. Darmanin accused Azerbaijan of supporting separatism and alleged that Baku was exploiting regional tensions as a response to France’s defense of Armenians, who he claimed were victims of Azerbaijani aggression.

Azerbaijan has strongly denied any allegations of interference or promoting separatism in New Caledonia. Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman Aykhan Hajizada dismissed Darmanin’s claims as unfounded and reminded France of its own colonial history, accusing it of committing crimes against humanity.

Relations between France and Azerbaijan have deteriorated following Baku’s military operation in the Karabakh region in late 2023. This operation, condemned by Paris, allowed Azerbaijan to regain control over the predominantly Armenian region, leading to a refugee crisis. The geopolitical tensions continue to strain diplomatic relations, with both countries exchanging accusations and criticisms.

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  1. Lay the blame where it lies, at the doorstep of French imperialism/colonialism….this is little more than an attempt to tighten the political grip on a island nation nowhere near France, that is resource rich………….especially given much of Africa has kicked the colonialists out…………………….

    • France itself has been colonised by our ” friend and ally” the US vulture. Step by step since 1945 and perhsps even earlier. Dismantling french industrial complex to the benefit of US under the guise of ” buying assets” . Through blackmail ( hearing MP) or ” sanctions”.
      Larry Fink ( blackrock) and other associated owns already much of the french debt and are “buying” land
      The US vulture will suck all ressources from europe before leaving europe in peace.
      Macron and his gang of totally incompetents politicians are just pawns owned by the j****ish cabal. And most of them are J***s.
      The western countries are all at an historical turnpoint between freedom and slavery


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