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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Global IT outage linked to CrowdStrike: A deep dive into the controversial cybersecurity firm’s dodgy past

Crowdstrike news

Today’s a major IT outage attributed to CrowdStrike has caused widespread disruption across various sectors, including air travel and banking.

The outage has been described as one of the most significant cyber incidents in recent years, affecting millions of individuals and businesses worldwide.

The problem was believed to have been triggered by an update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.

CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz stated that the IT issue had been identified and resolved.

“CrowdStrike is actively collaborating with customers affected by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are unaffected.

“This is not a security incident or cyber attack. The issue has been identified, isolated, and a fix has been deployed.”

The Birth of ‘Russiagate’

CrowdStrike first entered the spotlight during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The firm, employed by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign, claimed that Russian hackers had breached the DNC’s servers. This assertion laid the groundwork for the Russiagate scandal, which dominated U.S. political discourse for years.

Prominent independent journalist Aaron Maté has extensively covered the controversy surrounding CrowdStrike’s involvement. Maté points out that the FBI relied heavily on CrowdStrike’s analysis rather than conducting its own independent investigation into the alleged hack. It was only revealed four years later that CrowdStrike had “no evidence” of Russian hacking. This crucial information was concealed by the Clinton campaign, CrowdStrike, and the Mueller investigation, with false statements even being made to Congress about the evidence.

Connections to the WEF’s Global Cyber Alliance

In addition to its role in past political scandals, CrowdStrike is also a member of the Global Cyber Alliance. Best-selling author Whitney Webb notes that this alliance is part of a broader initiative led by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to enforce digital IDs for internet access, ostensibly to combat cybercrime. This initiative raises significant privacy and control concerns, as it could potentially lead to increased surveillance and control over individuals’ online activities.

The Microsoft Outage and Pizzagate Allegations

Journalist Liz Crokin has highlighted that the recent massive Microsoft outage linked to CrowdStrike brings back memories of the firm’s involvement in the alleged Russian breach of the DNC. She points out that CrowdStrike was the cybersecurity company hired by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to investigate the alleged breach, which reportedly led to the release of the Podesta emails and the infamous Pizzagate conspiracy.

Crokin also raises questions about the mysterious death of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer whose murder has been the subject of much speculation. She suggests that Rich, known by the nickname “Panda,” might have been the source of the leaked emails, not Russian hackers. This theory is bolstered by a 2016 tweet from CrowdStrike’s George Kurtz, which Crokin believes contains coded references to Seth Rich.

The Implications of Digital Control

David Icke offers a broader perspective on the implications of today’s outage and the growing reliance on digital systems. Icke warns that such incidents demonstrate the potential for total control over society through digital means. He argues that the push towards cashless societies and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) is a deliberate effort to centralise power and control. The ability to “pull the plug” on financial transactions, media, internet access, and even movement could lead to unprecedented levels of societal control and chaos.

BlackRock and Vanguard’s Stake

CrowdStrike’s growth and influence are further underscored by its backing from major investment firms BlackRock and Vanguard. These firms’ significant investments in CrowdStrike highlight the financial and strategic importance of the cybersecurity company in the global market. Their involvement suggests that CrowdStrike’s role in major cyber incidents and its influence over digital infrastructure are unlikely to diminish anytime soon.

The Future of Cybersecurity and Control

The global outage attributed to CrowdStrike today serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in our increasingly digital world. As cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike gain more power and influence, the need for transparency, accountability, and robust independent investigations becomes ever more critical. The controversial history and powerful backing of CrowdStrike raise important questions about the future of cybersecurity and the potential for misuse of digital control mechanisms.

Today’s events highlight the urgent need for a balanced approach to cybersecurity—one that protects against genuine threats while safeguarding individual freedoms and preventing the overreach of powerful entities.

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  1. The choice is our choice, we can choose convenience that seems to come back and slap us in the face as we gradually hand over independence, giving away who we are, our authenticity. We can choose to keep our sovereignty, barter, cash, make our own deals, craft our life to suit our passions and talents, grow, create, learn…….

  2. The companies mentioned in the article have J3wi$h ‘leadership’ in the form of appointed company presidents, CEO’s, CFO’s and members on their BoD’s.
    Notice how this came right on the heels of Donald Trump attending the RNC and accepting the Republican Nomination.
    The WEF and NWO just sent a message; if Trump gets in, expect an irreparable WWW shut-down or viruses being sent into individual computers, permanently ruining the same.
    Watch the stock options for the major computer manufacturers. If they start to climb, that means a massive computer sale is being planned to replace those ruined by Fascbook, Blackrock, Vanguard, the WEF, Crowdstrike and Israeli Unit 8200.
    Find a Bank that honours cash transactions, and the same goes for retailers.

    On the other side of the coin, I found the end of Trump’s 2-hour long speech and dissertation to be alarming when the cameras panned around to find the Kushners present.
    ‘The Donald’ has been told by his advisors, supporters and Trump Voters past & present, to keep Israeli Mossad asset and son-in-law Jared Kushner OUT of the White House!

  3. Big surprise.
    And did you hear about the massive shorts put on Trump shares the day before they tried to blow his head off on live (Fox) TV.
    There’s a reckoning coming for the evil scum that think they’re running things. ( not the least for JA and co. NZ ain’t forgetting).

  4. This was no glitch, these guys were just testing their ability to take down the internet anytime their globalist bosses tell them to. Remember these scumbag globalists want control of everything including you.

  5. In the world right now we have a group of people who have unlimited wealth gained through fraud and skulduggery, privileges which they have given themselves, exemptions from the rules they make for others regarding climate change, (which is a money making scheme they have dreamed up), and the latest health care (which they control) in response to pandemics (which they also manufacture) and everyone with a brain knows them now for what they are. We also know the names of the primary movers. We know now that the WEF (Klaus Schwab) and the WHO (Bill Gates) are created organisations not in any way associated with the United Nations, and yet successive government heads have signed up to their schemes and donate taxpayers money towards them. Still not satisfied with what they have, these creatures want to have the world to themselves and a created (dehumanised) slave race to serve them – even if it means murdering several billions of people.
    They have been trying to do this for thousands of years. Now they think they will succeed because they have the technology, but they won’t. They will create the same misery they have been creating for all time, but they won’t win.

  6. And in this we witnessed yet another failing of the sanctions on Russia, which was not affected at all. In fact the sanctions were in many ways a blessing adding impetus to their plans to detach themselves from Microsoft and other Western platforms. Just love it when US and UK hegemony bites them where the sun don’t shine. 😂😂

  7. iPhone users: beware of notice saying Safari relay
    needs to be activated. This is not true. Dismiss and do not be tempted to click ‘ activate’. This is in light of the system crashes affecting devices.

  8. Welcome to technocrat feudalism and clout economy. You smartphone and social media user did ask for that by handing you independence for convenience so do not complain.

  9. The very name of this digital werewolf gives me the shivers. CrowdStrike. Think about it…. what kind of images come to mind from this satanic name? Mass violence? Hitting the whole world? Striking the crowd off the earth?


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