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Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Government introduces ‘foreign interference’ bill

Foreign interference bill news

The government has introduced a new bill aimed at addressing foreign interference in its institutions and communities, as outlined in the latest threat assessment by the NZSIS.

The proposed legislation, led by Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith, criminalises covert, corrupt, and coercive activities conducted on behalf of foreign powers to harm New Zealand intentionally or recklessly.

While existing laws cover offenses such as blackmail and cyber misuse, the bill aims to fill gaps in dealing with foreign state actors undermining national interests. It also strengthens penalties for unauthorised disclosure of government information and ensures greater legal clarity for prosecution, with penalties of up to 14 years in prison.

A regulatory impact statement highlighted the need for targeted measures to avoid overcriminalising legitimate activities, particularly in sensitive fields like software development with dual-use applications.

The move comes amidst rising concerns of strategic competition and “grey-zone” activities by foreign states, including explicit mentions of interference from China targeting New Zealand’s Chinese communities.

The government has opted not to include a beneficial ownership register, despite calls for its potential to mitigate risks.

Comparisons have been drawn with Australia’s foreign interference framework, which has faced criticisms and ongoing reforms since its implementation in 2018.

Image credit: Leroy de Thierry

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      • Over the target
        What perfect propaganda when it is already here and in operation
        While masquerading that You want to lay provisions to stop it before it occurs
        But anyway I have always thought the Beehive
        A Masonic symbol of oppression takeover and control
        Would make a good gas chamber

  1. As usual – a ‘news’ article which tells the reader nothing.
    I don’t even know what New Zealand’s ‘national interests’ are. Could someone enlighten me?
    What? China targeting New Zealand’s Chinese communities? Is China thinking of mobilising all New Zealand Chinese for a communist takeover of the country or something? They’ll have to fight the Greens for that honour first.
    What on earth is a ‘grey-zone’ type of interference?
    Why would foreign powers want to harm New Zealand intentionally or recklessly? What could they do that is worse than what our own homegrown wanna-be tyrants have done? After what successive governments of our own people have done, this little country would be nothing more than a liability to any foreign power now.

  2. What a bunch of drama queens. Who’s interested in this back water? China has “towns” bigger than the population of the whole country, for Christ’s sake. Yet another waste of tax payer dollars, so this lot can entertain the pretension they are in the same boat as the big boys, such as the USA and Germany.

    Lame as it gets.Not to mention childish.

    • They want our farmland, and could take it without losing a single han man. By sending in the drones, robot dogs etc.
      After all, they’re a superior breed than us white devils (in their eyes).

      • Yes, lets go to the arse end of the world to open a farm when we have trade deals with Russia, who have huge swathes of productive farmlands and lots of it is organic, plus its mostly GMO free…..makes perfect sense……….

        Why do you think the EU is suffering from food scarcity after their dim witted sanctions over the Ukraine proxy war…..?

  3. All three replies (Anon, Jayem & Michelle Smire) have relevance to this ‘Foreign Interference Bill’.
    This is strange following Luxon’s meeting with Chinese President Xi just 2 days ago. This is probably why we are just now hearing about this.
    While Cantabury University Professor Anna-Marie Brady documents the Chinese activities to te point of having the brakes on her car tampered with (among other things…), I would have no doubt that there are organised PLA Reserve Units operating covertly here in NZ, on a methodology and modus similar to what SPETSNAZ has in several nations.
    These are reasons as to why we need to be better prepared for such activities should they go ‘full-hot’ by introducing Armed Neutralityinto NZ.
    One must also understand that while certain foreign powers try and manoeuver NZ in the political, economic and health spheres, the REAL threat are the closeted J3wi$h Zionists who are here promoting Agendas 21, 30 and Progress 2025.
    We have also had a recent former National Party PM who has returned to being a J3wi$h-Zionist Bankster who, like Jabby, left the Prime Minister’s office when his masters called from him to resign and do other tasks that they have levied upon him.
    The Zionist influence in NZ are a clear and present danger, given the facts that Blackrock, Pfizer, the MSM and all Western Banking Systems are owned, managed and controlled by the Zionist J3w$.
    All one has to do to see the damage that they are doing and have done in the past is to look at the current humanitarian crisis in the Middle East (Genocide, Holodomor, War Crimes, and Human Rights Violations…) and how the Israeli (NOT Israelites…!) eventually take over an entire nation / state (Florida is a prime example of Floridians with their birthright and blood lines having been lost to the Zionist J3w$ due to their AIPAC donations to most government representatives there also being…J3wiSh or paid / bribed / bought-off by the same…!).
    Nothing will change under Trump with regards to booting the Talmudic Noahide Law Zionists OUT of U.S. policies that have ruined the U.S. via Dual National Representatives (U.S. & Israeli Passport Holders ie Schumer, etc.) and most in the U.S. Government having previously renounced their Oath of Office by taking a ‘Pledge to Support Israel’.
    IF the proposed Bill becomes NZ Law, then one would hope that such would put a stop the the above mentioned articles from occurring in NZ.
    IF the proposed Bill becomes NZ Law for the purpose of stifling our freedoms here in order to comply with Progress 2025 and Agenda 2030 / vaccine compliance / :15 Minute Cities, then this becomes problematic.

  4. So the US control of NZ, including most of our politicians, is going to be illegal and therefore stop?
    Of course I’m just kidding, that will never happen as NZ is a vassal of the US.
    Luxon, Ardern and everyone else before them are poodles of whatever US administration there is.

    • In being a ‘Vassal State’ of the U.S., then this automatically defaults to being a ‘Vassal State’ of Israel!!!!!
      BTW; what happened to my last posted opinion on this matter?

  5. My guess (IANAL) is that a hidden intent is that revealing information about the harms of the covid vaccination campaign can be regarded as ‘likely to prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand’ since to do so might encourage the public to mistrust the establishment.

  6. Remember this, which was posted this morning but not published in this particular commentary?
    Or- Canty Uni’s Prof. Anna-Marie Brady being targeted by suspected Chinese operatives for reporting on what the Chinese are really doing in NZ?
    Then…one can only imagine the harm that Israel has done in the past to NZ (Mosque Massacre)
    Most all of the NGO’s Big Pharma are J3wi$h-owned, controlled and directed, as are most Western Governments, the MSM as noted by J3wi$h owned & led Blackrock, Vanguard, Pfizer, and the usual Zionist Operatives.
    Just wait & see…
    & Trump is once again surrounding himself with Israeli First Zionists.
    Remember- the Oath of Office was nullified when the (s)elected ‘Reps’ took their ‘Pledge to Israel’

  7. And what’s the bet this won’t cover foreign interference from out 5 eyes “partners” – the real threats to our democracy

  8. Evil stupid corrupt people up to their usual antics.

    The love of money is the root of evil.

    It won’t end well for these cretins obviously.


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