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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Face off on face masks

Professors Michael Baker and Siouxsie Wiles are currently going all in on mask wearing.

Baker has likened the unmasked to “murderers” and “drunk drivers” (???). Prime Minister Ardern is being widely rebuked for a photo op at the Beehive of a very large unmasked group. Her excuse: “the photographer made me do it”.

A Japanese report published by Nature on July 18 2022 entitled “Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic” should raise eyebrows and lower face masks further. A picture is worth a thousand words so try Figure 5. These are the organisms found growing on face masks.

Face masks news

Note the pathogenicity column. These are dangerous for humans. The authors say:

“Since masks can be a direct source of infection to the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and skin, it is crucial to maintain their hygiene to prevent bacterial and fungal infections that can exacerbate COVID-19.”

The study found:

“We observed bacterial colonies in 99% of the samples on the face-side and 94% on the outer-side….We found no significant differences in the colony counts among the different mask types [non-woven, polyurethane, and gauze or cloth], regardless of the duration of usage.”

Forget ordinary washing, nothing short of prolonged boiling can get rid of these pathogens. Even frequent mask changes are ineffective, pathogens rapidly reappear, as fabric surfaces provide ideal homes for their colonies.

The authors concluded:

“We propose that immunocompromised people should avoid repeated use of masks to prevent microbial infection.”

Reports indicate that our hospitals are swamped with cases of respiratory illness. Is prolonged mask use exacerbating the situation? Very probably. mRNA vaccination has been associated with immune deficiency….

Evidence for mask use is at best weak and contradictory. To assess the counter arguments read this. The Japanese report is one more nail in the coffin. The damaging effects on children’s development is also well known.

But if you listened to Michael Baker’s multiple mainstream media interviews (see this for example) over the last week you wouldn’t be aware that there is any doubt on the subject of mask wearing. He is going full tilt at Ardern to mandate them for school children, no exemptions, and he is getting plenty of sympathetic coverage in MSM. Is she going to give in? You never know.

As we reported yesterday, there are some sad truths here. Many of our experts are falling behind when it comes to reading the latest studies, or if they do read them, dogma ensures they only see what they want to see. Government funding distorts actions and advice further. Who in NZ is going to willingly give up generous government grants and payments in order to tell it how it is? At this point, New Zealand appears to be facing a science crisis. Some experts might benefit from a break to restudy, recharge, and reassess what works and what doesn’t according to the published science record.

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  1. Yeah, but remember Jabcinda is the one source of truth. if masks didn’t work surely the brought and paid for Lamestream media and her minions in the political sphere would be shouting it from their pulpit. I’m sick of this whole farce, it’s all just part of Agenda 2030 or The Great Reset or The New World Order or whatever you want to call it.

    • Yep. I would rather stay at home and not go anywhere than wear masks and risk the infections, some of those bugs are very AB resistant. So yes, the jabbed have a lot to worry about, but like sheep being carted off to the work’s, they are ignorant and dumb.

  2. If people want to wear masks because it makes them feel safe then fine but they can mind their own business when it comes to everyone else.

    I am no longer wearing one and I notice more people doing the same. Are they going to arrest us all? Furthermore to traumatise our children any more than they have already been traumatised is cruel and unnecessary. Baker needs to back off and shut up. We have had a gutsful of him and Wiles. They have proved to be wrong and irrelevant.

    Our leaders have shown that it’s all theatre anyway. They are a bunch of hypocrites. mask on while the cameras are there and mask off when they are not. These people clearly have no conscience or morals to lie and be such hypocrites. No respect from me.

    • I have never worn one. And I refuse to wear one. I use the “I am exempt” excuse and dare them to contradict me. On the occasions when someone has insisted, I have stayed outside their shop and demanded they bring to the door the stuff I bought online.

  3. Michael Baker, our unique Public Health expert, found that the bacterial colonies in the mask are actually beneficial to our health. His break-through finding is that these bacterial colonies tend to eat any covid viruses so that covid can no longer harm us. When he was questioned on why mask wearing did not prevent covid, Baker gave a brilliant answer “You should not wear a new mask without bacterial colonies which results in Covid infection. Always wear an old mask, and if you pick up one discared from a garbage bin, it is even better”. He also reminded that the virus can pass through your eyes, and there is a need for an eye mask too. Michael Baker may win a Nobel prize, and the mainstream media is urging for his nomination.

    • Put up a link to your “manky mask” video CP! That was so disgusting!!!! Especially from our PM! GROSS! ????????????

      Thanks for all your great work! ????????????❤️????????

  4. Does Baker have any significant medical qualiications? He is supposed to be a number cruncher like Neil Ferguson in the UK who got on with his life while promoting the opposite conduct.
    B… experts! They’re too drunk on power and addulation to use practical commonsense.

  5. Wiles will benefit if she joins a weight loss program compared to wearing a mask and trying to stop covid. Obese people suffer more from covid I heard. I guess Wiles may have found a pink hair dye will overcome the weight issue. A fact of tribalistic science, endorsed by the Royal Society.

  6. Baker must have some inhereted “skill” genes and he should try baking breads and cakes, and check out who will buy from him. This is the reality test. His absurd opinions have little scientific basis and repeats what he sees on CNN as “expert opinions”. Low life.


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